Chapter Twelve

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The twittering of a bird could be heard from outside the open window of their bedroom. Mike tucked his hands under his head, laying on his back. Tabby laid beside him, still asleep.

Brendan wasn't a problem or at least he wouldn't be for awhile. At least Mike hoped it would be awhile. The way he punched and kicked Brendan, he would have to be in the hospital for a little bit before he was completely okay.

Mike stared at the ceiling, pressing his lips into a thin line. The concert was two days away. He was excited to have Tabby down in the audience watching him preform, but he was also nervous for the same reason.

"You awake Mike?" Tabby mumbled, her eyes still shut.

Mike shifted slightly and looked at her, "Yeah."

Tabby opened her eyes slowly and locked eyes with Mike for a moment before looking away.

"Morning." She quietly greeted him.

"Morning." He answered, returning his gaze back to the ceiling.

"How are you feeling?" Tabby quietly asked.

"Fine, just a little bit achy. I'll be fine by the time the concert day rolls around." Mike assured her, glancing at her for a moment while speaking.

Tabby ran her fingers down Mike's arm closest to her, tracing down until she reached his shoulder, before going back up again.

"What are you doing?" Mike looked at her, half smiling.

"I don't know. Just tracing lines around your arm." Tabby shrugged.

Mike watched her for a moment before rolling over and facing her, their faces only inches apart. Tabby slid her hand up and played with Mike's fluffy black hair, humming.

"I'm not usually the jealous type." Mike stated.

"I don't think you were jealous. I think you could tell Brendan wasn't and isn't a good person." Tabby admitted, looking into Mike's eyes.

His eyes softened and he put his hand on her hip that wasn't on the bed, rubbing his thumb over her hip bone as he did so. Tabby let out a content noise and returned her attention back to Mike's hair.


Mike and Tabby sat together on the couch while the other three Monkees did whatever they were doing. Mike had his arm around Tabby's shoulders, like he tended to. He just liked having her close and now with the knowledge about Brendan, he liked having her close, for protection reasons.

At this point he didn't think he was clingy. Plus she told him to stop fretting. She liked Mike just as he was now.

Mike reached over and pulled his guitar case over closer to the couch, clicking the case open. He took his arm from behind Tabby's shoulder and pulled out his large Gretsch guitar and put the strap around himself.

Tabby sat up, interested, watching Mike carefully.

He wrapped his fingers around the neck of the guitar, pushing down different strings and thinking as he did so.

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