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(A/N: Ok this was oddly satisfying, the was part was exactly 666 words. I've been wondering when that would happen. Lol. I'm not a satanist just a goth teenager so of course I found that funny. Also, feeling depressed, who has a magic cure that works?)
Portland's POV:

I got a text from Dad saying that Heresy and I we going to spend the night at Uncle Chris and Aunt Kylie's. He also said that my other dad was doing ok just a bit banged up. So that's all good but... I don't want to leave the house.

I'm perfectly okay with barricading myself in my bedroom for the rest of my life. People are cruel. Want to go to school to learn to do something with your life? Just wait, the big jock kid will give you black eye. Want a mom? She'll abandon you with a new set of parents. Want friends? That actually have things in common with you? Good luck! No one wants to hang out with a shy, emo, pain in the ass.

"Portland! Are you packed?!" Heresy calls. "No! One sec!" I shout back, tears streaming down my face. I walk around my room, grabbing necessities. Heresy comes in and pulls me into a hug. "Shh, what's wrong?" She asks. "Just everything." I cry. "What can I do to help? Beat up a little fifth grader? Threaten to slice their dick off?" I laugh at her offer. "Thanks but no thanks. I just wish I could disappear and not deal with anything. Not because it's hard or I'm lazy, because everything just naws at me until I'm done." I whisper. "I'm sorry Port." She hugs me tighter.

"Hey, what's up?" Uncle Chris asks looking at me. "Nothing." I whisper almost silently. "What did he say?" He asks Heresy. "He said 'nothing.'" I grab my messenger bag full of clothes to go. Walking past Uncle Chris and down the stairs, I walk out into the outside. The wind was blowing, making my hair fly along, annoying me. "This day just day just gets more and more shittier." I mutter hatefully.

"What got you in a bad mood?" Raven asks behind me. Rave is a tall girl with her father's slender face and deep brown eyes. Her dark wavy hair and complexion makes her look more Italian than she is. I wish I looked like her, gorgeous. "Well you know my dad is sort of in the hospital for starters." I murmur. "I heard I'm sorry. He'll be ok."

Ghost's POV:
I fell asleep waiting for Ricky to wake up but I was happy to wake up to him shaking me awake. "Ricky! I love you so much, I was so worried--" He pulls me into a kiss. "I know, I love you too." He smiles as I just hugged him for a minute. He was cringing in pain silently so I pulled away to look him over. It was probably just his broken ribs.

Right on time, the doctor came in. "Hi Richard, glad to see your awake." You could see a flash of anger in Rick's eyes, just hearing his full name. "Ricky..." He corrects before cringing in pain again. "Well, Ricky, I'll give you some pain medication for your broken ribs and then you can go. Although you will be on bed rest for the rest of this week." Ricky groans, he hates being in one place for more than an hour.

"Honey you'll be fine, after you get better we can go do whatever you want." I tell him. "Ok..." He pouts like a small child. I laugh a little at it and kiss his nose.

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