Chapter 1: It has begun

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P.O.V. [Name]

I was walking down to my dorm and had just completed my daily training. When I walked in I saw the rest of my team Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Pyhrra.

I in lack of a team had been assigned to be with team JNPR. They didn't really seem to mind my company the only down side was that I didn't have a partner. So I couldn't go on that many missions with them.

I sighed as I looked at them. Today was the day that they were supposed to head out to another new mission. Like usual because I lacked a partner I wasn't going to be allowed to go.

"Oh hey [Name] how was your training?" Jaune asked looking at me.

"It was good. I beat yesterday's mark so I'm getting better." I said looking at him. He then smiled and looked at me.

"Oh that's awesome. You know if you keep going like that I'm sure that when you do get a partner you'll be an amazing addition to the team." He said looking at me.

"Thanks." I said putting on my shoes.

"Where are you going [Name] you literally just got back?" Ren asked looking at me.

"I forgot something important." I said walking out the door. As I was walking down the hallway I felt someone following behind me.

When I made a turn I quickly spirited down the hallway and waited to see who the other person was. As I waited I saw someone who I knew but didn't know that well.

Her name was Emerald. She kept a steady pace of walking and walked right past me. Guess it was a little silly to think that she'd want to follow me.

Although she is nice most of the time something about her just feels off. I know no one else feels like that but I do. She just gives me a strange vide.

As she past by I sighed and continued to the training course. When I got there I looked around and found what I was looking for. It was something almost irreplaceable to me.

A small trinket my grandfather had given me before he had passed away. It said as long as I had it with me I'd be able to control my semblance or at least better control over my semblance.

He had the same one as me but my parents didn't inherit the ability so my grandfather helped me get control over it. He said that this necklace always helped him and he had given it to me because he knew I wanted to become a hunter.

As I put the necklace on I smiled and thought about something rather strange. It had been awhile since I visited his grave I'll have to do that some time soon.

As I started to walk back down the hall I got a message from Jaune. I looked at it and it said "Hey [Name] we're heading out for that new mission we got. We should be back by tomorrow. Take care until we get back." It said I sighed and continued to the room.

When I got there I opened the door and saw that other than the beds it was completely empty. I sighed and opened up a book. This was another gift from my grandfather. It was his own personal hunter guide.

He said he had several experiences when he was a hunter and that writing them down might have helped someone else. Guess that someone else is me now.

As I read through it I noticed that he had wrote almost three entire pages on the day he had gotten his new team. A page for each member. I then sighed one of these was actually Jaunes mother.

My father was always talking about her. Said she was a really nice girl and couldn't ever really bring herself to hurt another person. When I think about it she kind of sounds like Pyhrra.

I then walked over to my bed and when I liad down I covered up and drifted off to sleep. Sure my team wasn't perfect but I'd much rather have them then a team that's perfect and didn't like each other.

As I went to sleep I decided to check one last thing. It was something like a fortune teller. When I opened it, it had a rather strange message. "Be careful who you trust." I sighed and went to sleep after reading it.

I was then awoken by a loud and annoying box know as my alarm clock. As I got up I did my morning routine and left to go visit my grandfathers grave.

When I left I visited a flower shop and bought one of my grandfathers favorite flowers. I placed it on his grave and looked at the symbol on his grave.

It was identical to mine but nothing I was going to complain about. I'm glad I was able to inherit his symbol. I then got up and started to walk back towards Beacon.

As I did I received a message from Jaune. Strange I was certain he was on a mission. When I read it, it said "meet me in room 97-C" strange that he'd want to meet there.

I guess he got a girlfriend and he just really wanted me to meet her. I guess the mission went really well for them to be back this early.

As I walked into the room. I felt a strange heat behind me then turned to see a girl with black hair and yellow eyes holding fire in her hands. "Hello [Name] I've been looking for you for quite a while now." She said looking at me.

My grandfather had wrote a few entries on her father apparently not a very good guy. He had been one of the more evil peolpe he had met and it would seem like she turned out the same way.

I then felt a pressure on the back of my neck. When I did my body went numb and I fell to the ground however before I hit the ground I heard Cinder say "let's see if we can't put you to use." She said with a slight chuckle at the end.

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