Chapter 1: Run, Run

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Jason POV

I ran headlong into Hilder forest.

Bad idea! My wolf stated.

I ignored her. I urged my legs to run faster. My light body frame aided me to move with precision as I proceeded further into the forest. I could feel the air thicken as I moved. I wheezed, dodging the prickly thorns of wild plants. My heart began to race at the change in atmosphere. The farther I ran, the darker and denser it became. 

I told you. She mumbled again. Bad idea.

The thick trees had broad canopies that blocked the rays of the sun causing the forest to be ominously black and almost void of life. The silence that filled the forest made it more terrifying even for a war wolf. It then dawned on me why the pack never wandered to this part of the pack land. The scary tales of this part of the forest suddenly made sense.

Turn left. Era voiced unexpectedly. I complied immediately. I let out a groan as my shoulder grazed a boulder. Pain seared throughout my left arm. Era had saved me in time from going face first into a boulder. It would have knocked me out for sure.

Don't thank me. She beat me to talk. You just revealed our location, dumbass. My body tensed as I heard the growls and paws of wolves hitting the forest floor behind me.

Are you kidding me? I thought to her.

No, they followed you. She screamed in my head. Do you think they would not?

That was the plan! I ducked to avoid a collapsed tree in time. It became more difficult to make out anything again. The darkness grew thicker.

You had many other options but you were so dumb that this was what you decided. She growled. They are closing in on you by the way. She added.

Shut up Era! You aren't helping! I snapped at her, increasing my speed. I ignored the throbbing pain spreading from my ankles to my thighs. My heart raced as I caught their snarls and growls. It sounded dangerously close.

Era. I slowed. My legs began to tire. The pain had reached my hips. Any help now will be highly appreciated. I pleaded with urgency. I winched at her silence. Half expecting it, I knew my wolf disliked me snapping at her.

Please. I pleaded again. I need you, Era. You can be mad at me when we are safe, not now. I puffed. I couldn't hold on for much longer. The throbbing in my hips was spreading rapidly upward. My stomach began to cramp and my lungs burn at the lack of air. I continued to stumble forward despite my depleted energy. I knew without a doubt that the wolves chasing me were so close to me without looking behind. Their howls and snarls echoed loudly behind me.

Down. Era yelped. I allowed myself collapse to the hard, rough ground, not in alarm but utter exhaustion. I saw a large shadow fly past my head. The ground shook a little as it landed a few yards from me. I narrowed my eyes to see a wolf jump in front of me. I gasped, ignoring the pain as much as I could.

We have to morph, Jason. I felt Era bubbled to the surface. I shuddered. Our merge reduced the pain in my body. I felt replenished as Era feed me her energy. I breathed with ease.

My eyes glowed as I took in the wolf before me. I initially couldn't make out its frame as it was as black as the environment. It blended perfectly. Its brown eyes shone with much intensity revealing nothing but hate as it focused on me baring its foamy canine at me. I shuddered in fear when it let out a deep growl that vibrated throughout the forest. Leaning heavily on its hind legs, it lunged at me. My body moved swiftly to the left, avoiding its paws and teeth.

That was close. You need to be more agile, Jason. Era noted. Let me. She struggled to control me. We can't fully morph but I can guide you for as long as it takes for help to come.

Do you think help will come? I blinked, unwilling to take my eyes off the wolf in front of me. I could sense its readiness to lunge at me again.

Trust me, Jason. Help will come.

Fine! I allowed her control.

It felt foreign yet alluring to watch oneself move around without actually being in control. It was like watching a movie as I dodged the wolf repeatedly as it kept coming at me. I was just as fast as it was but my lighter body gave me an advantage against its much heavier frame. I could manoeuvre easily and faster than it could. Era moved in calculated moves. I figured out what she was doing as she continued to evade the wolf. She was going to tire it out then strike at the slightest opportunity she gets.

Perfect! She thought in excitement.

Era leaped into the air; meeting the wolf in mid-air, she manoeuvred us unto his back. We shifted our weight downward, bringing the wolf to the ground. I heard a loud crack resounded as we both crashed on the ground. I stared at the wolf, as it lay lifeless in a pool of blood.

I staggered as a wave of nausea and fatigue hit me immediately I regained control. A tear fell from my eyes as I gawked at the wolf I just killed. I haven't killed anything in my life. This is our first kill. I heaved again as my stomach rolled.

"That was quick." Someone said, breaking the silence around me. I glanced around quickly at where the voice came from. I gasped. All around me stood twelve huge wolves baring their fangs. I rose immediately as a growl escaped my lips as well.

"I can feel your wolf as you fought." The voice echoed again. "You are strong."

I turned around again searching for the owner but found no one. My eyes met every wolf's as they closed in on me. The wolf I just killed was a delay. I cussed.

I believe so. Era mumbled. He slowed us down for the others to close in.

I kept my eyes on the largest and nearest of the wolves. It had black fur with red eyes that shone brightly. It snarled with its foamy fangs as we continued to stare. It took a few strides towards me. I checked on the other wolves but couldn't tell their fur as they all were shadowed by the forest darkness but their eyes stood out, shining different shade of colours but mostly red.

I took a few steps back unconsciously. Era. I muttered nervously. I need some help now. Please. I added quickly. I waited for her to reply but got nothing in return. I whimpered. I was never a strong pup back in my pack. A shiver ran down my spine as I watched the wolves walk steadily towards me. I took a quick look at my surrounding. I noticed they had successfully trapped me in a clearing surrounded by trees. At least two wolves guarded every escape spots. Sweats ran down my face. I licked my chapped lips.

I won against one huge wolf by chance; there is no way I could win against twelve vicious-looking wolves. I double-checked. Considering their built, I concluded without any doubt that they were war wolves to be exact as I considered their build. I guess this is where it ends. I mumbled in my head. I am sorry Dad, Mum, and Bella.

I fixed my eyes on the approaching wolves. I knew deep down that I couldn't fight them all off. I might not be as strong as my Beta father, but I am from the Lockwood pack, the leading pack of all packs in the Northern Province. Our courage, strength and above all, our wit made us formidable and revered.

"I am a loyal pack member and I am a Beta's son, so if am going to die then I will with my head high and not as a weak omega." I soliloquised. "Even though I cannot shift into my wolf form yet, I will still fight with all I've got."

I snarled at the oncoming wolves. I shifted into a fight stance. Era, shall we show these filthy dogs how to play? I felt her approval before the last word left my mouth. I allowed her bubble to the surface once again. I shuddered as we merged. A smile danced on my face.

"Come on, you bunch of dogs!" I shouted with a strong voice. "You want to play, right? Quit strolling and get on with it. My death will not come easy and cheap. Come on!" My eyes glowed brightly as anger surged through me.

I saw anger flash in their eyes before they kick off running towards me. One thing I have learnt is never to call a wolf a dog. I dug my feet into the ground as I prepared for the first wolf to attack.

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