Chapter 9- Chaos

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Julius was reclining on the commanding chair in the Operational Command Centre. The Euro-Britannian aristocrats sitting behind him muttered out loud "Emperor's lapdog!" "To think he summoned the Grand Duke!" "He'll trip up soon enough." For the first time, Suzaku felt pity for Lelouch. His character as Zero was portraying strongly and it earned him the aristocrats dislike for him. Britannians already hate Zero, now, these Euro-Britannian nobles hate Julius Kingsley, and both of them were Lelouch. "Announcing His Highness Grand Duke Velaines!" Everyone stood up at greeted him, except Julius, who merely turned his chair in his direction. Sitting down in his chair, the Grand Duke said, "Lord Kingsley, if you would be so kind as to begin?" Lord Kingsley stood up. "There is no need to hurry. We will see results immediately. Unlike you gentlemen." directing his insults at the aristocrats. Lifting the specter, "watch as I drag a spineless Europia, which has avoided all-out confrontation, onto the execution ground that is the battlefield!" The Grand Duke was not happy with the way Julius addressed him. "Lowly servant!" "Restraint yourself, Gaudefroy!" said one noble to another. The nobles had a hard time concealing their disdain for Lord Kingsley, but they knew they must before they face serious repercussions from His Majesty. Lord Shaing smirked, Lord Kingsley plan was flawless, and the way the plan was so elaborate and successful...the methods used... reminded him of an infamous terrorist in Area 11. Did Lord Kingsley copy his methods? However, although he was basically forced to help Lord Kingsley, he was glad he chose him. It was undeniable Lord Kingsley had more power than all the Euro-Britannian nobles combined, this would definitely put him out of danger with His Majesty. Julius lifted his lips in a sly grin, the elites will now know the true power and intelligence of His Majesty's military advisor. "Now, let us raise the curtain on the performance. Gentlemen, enjoy the show!" Julius flourished the specter towards the curtain-covered screen behind him. As if on cue, the red velvety curtains opened.


The world suddenly became pitch-black. The power was cut. Numerous drivers emerged from their vehicles, complaining and grumbling. "How long are these blackouts gonna last?" "I'm gonna file a complaint with the power company!" Soon, theories with the current situation soon descended. "They say the North Sea power plant was blown up by terrorists!" "Terrorists?!" People started checking their phones. Pointing to his mobile, one said, "They say a video claiming responsibility has been uploaded to the net." "Hey, is this it?" Clicking on the video, a guy turned his phone horizontally to watch it...

A man dressed in black, darkness hiding half his face, the other half covered with an eyepatch, purple jewels dangling from it, was sitting on a chair, fingers crossed in front of him. A flag with an unfamiliar logo was imprinted on it. "Attention, citizens of the United Republic of Europia." The man flourished his arm out in greeting. "We are the World Liberation Front, the Ark Fleet!" The video zoomed in on his perfect row of teeth.

The media broadcast room was in chaos and disorder. "Hey, what's this?"

"Our goal is the true liberation of a people suffering under the oppression..."

"The broadcast data is being overwritten!" "It's being jacked by the terrorists!" "Go offline!" "I can't!" They, who had been doing media broadcasting for years, became lost and defenseless against the intruding video with no way to stop it.

"...of foolish policymakers."

"I can't shut it down!"

"We have destroyed your offshore power plant in the North Sea."

The video was shown all over Europia, on buildings' screens, mobile phones, television and computers. The citizens watched in rapt attention.

The man opened his arms in an attempt for his words to have a better effect on the Europia viewers. It worked. "Here is the proof." The screen changed to a power plant in the middle of the sea surrounded by wind turbines above the sea. An enormous ship hovering above the power plant dropped an object, making a swishing sound as it battled with air resistance. It was undeniably a bomb. It flashed purple and when it made contact with the factory, a big orb of purple light was created. It expanded, destroying the power plant and wind turbines. The sea churned and the waves covered the entire screen. The video flicked back to the man, one hand against the bomb that caused the power failure, swallowing any doubts from the Europians about the explosion being fake. With the Ark Fleet's  flag blowing in the background, "The judgment of the gods will be passed upon those who wallow in foolish culture and live in the tranquility of decadence. Staring at the bomb in admiration, "soon, stars of destruction will fall on Paris. Repent and mend your ways! That is the only way" clutching his fist, the man continued, "that you will survive!" The video ended in blackness.

[DISCONTINUED] Code Geass: Turmoil in Euro Britannia Where stories live. Discover now