Chapter 8- Stay in ur lane henny.

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Lovino woke up with Antonio's arms around him. He frowned at his pulled up shirt.

"Been waiting for you to wake up." Antonio kissed his forehead.

"Whyyyyy..." He groaned.

"I wanted to talk to you." Antonio's hand found it's way to his chest.

"What?" He sighed.

"I could hardly sleep last night, I was thinking about names for the baby."

"Nice." Lovino got up and searched for his pants, in the clothes pile he accumulated on his desk chair. "Got anything good?"

"What about Hermosa? It's Spanish."

"Hm... I was thinking Francesca."

"Isn't that Italian?" Antonio stretched awkwardly.

"Yeah, so?"

"But why Italian? Why not a Spanish name?"

Lovino motioned to the Italian flag on his wall. "I'm Italian, dumbass."

"Right, right." Antonio pursed his lips. "Don't you speak Spanish?"

"I took two years in high school and I don't remember much of it."

"Oh." He looked down, defeated. "I speak Italian."

"Really?" Lovino found suitable pants. Antonio nodded. "Say something, anything in Italian."

""Ti amo ....? Affanculo?" Antonio struggled.

"You said 'I love you' and then 'Fuck you.'" He struggled with his pants.

"Oh. Sorry.... I'll go make breakfast now." Antonio avoided eye contact as he went to the stairs.

Lovi struggled down to the kitchen where Feliciano was finishing cooking with Antonio.

"Morning, Lovi!" Feliciano smiled and set the table.

"Tell the sun to shut up. It took me 7 minutes to put on my pants." Lovino went to a chair.

"I hear you two are having a naming issue." Feliciano placed a plate in front of his brother.

"What about it?"

"You could compromise."

"I would love to see him push a baby from--"

"Anyway!" Feli interrupted, not wanting at all to hear the rest of the sentence. "Since the baby is taking Toni's last name--"

Feli was the one interrupted this time, as Lovi scowled. "What?"

"That's what Toni told me."

"I'm not coming off good right now, huh?" Antonio backed up slightly.

"Who the fuck said that was happening? We never agreed on that."

"I'd at least like some credit in this...."

"Credit. Credit?! You put me in this situation, it's your DNA. Let's not start this. I've been pregnant for how long, a month and a half?!"

Antonio looked away.

"Toni, I know you're excited, but don't get carried away. We still have a long road ahead of us."

"You're right. You' right... I'll stop."

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