That snow day

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Based on a true story ....

"It was 6 years ago, when I was around 7 and my younger brother 3"

"I remember it like it was yesterday,
That day was when I saved my brother and my lives.."

We just moved to Newfoundland that summer, me and my brother Andrew. We watched as the leaves turned Colours in autumn, to the first snowfall in winter. After a few days of playing outside, cuddling in warm fuzzy blankets with hot chocolate watching cartoons.My mother wanted to surprise us by taking us to the sledding hill she used to go when she was our age, bring the amazing woman she was.

That morning I was trying to sleep but, the one thing that was keeping me up was my little brother. He would clime up onto my bed then  start shaking me telling me to walk up. I would always try to talk him into going back to bed while still trying to sleep, it never worked. " the sky is blue so it's time to play!" He would remind me when I told him that so long ago. Even at a small age I still couldn't disagree with one of my statements, do I got up grabbed my brothers small and darker hand then pulling him running down stairs to the basement to watch tv.
As the old house shook of the loud thunder of snoring ,  me and Andrew just sat there laying on top of each other like a litter of new born puppies and watched Scooby-doo. Almost passed out, my mother came down telling us where going sledding .
Andrew snapped out of his small nap, jumping up and started to celebrate.
I loved sledding in all but I hated snow suits , winter jackets , gloves , winter hats, snow pants, ect the point is I don't get cold I've always been that way seen day one. Struggling to get my thick sweaty  snow suit on ready to give up, I look over at Andrews big and joyful smile  telling me he wants to spend this hole time with me, so I put all my winter gear on with no fuss.
Getting ready to sled me and Andrew needed to scope out the frozen blanket of snow covering the Newfoundland hill. Looking left to right we spotted a jump on the hill, but the problem with this hill was that at the end of it there was a cliff with a frozen river  at the bottom. But my mother didn't see it, positioning the sled perfectly I got in with Andrew on my lap." Ready!" my mom said with a loud excited voice, "ready!" Me and Andrew yelled telling her to push. Then the snow started to crunch and pack, mom pulling us back then pushing as hard as she could making us fly down the hill.

Andrew screaming at the top of his lungs in joy " look the jump is coming!"
Hitting the jump felt amazing we went off the ground around 2 feet , then landing with a big thump tripling our speed. But then I saw it the cliff dropping into the river, Andrew being to caught up with how fast we were going not paying attention, that we were heading straight for the river.
I had to think fast so I throw Andrew out of the sled onto the snow so he would be safe, then pulling on the rope  as hard as I could trying to stop it. Now praying for Andrew to be ok instead of me because I didn't care what happened to me all I wanted to do was to protect him. The sled slowing down, it made it to the edge half way floating above the river , I jump out of the sled then pulling it back so it wouldn't fall,
Saving our lives.

But my problem is what if I was meant to die saving my brother. Now my brother is 9 and me 13, I'm the only one who remembers that day and I definitely didn't make it up. What 7 year old would dream that, my only explanation for it was someone or something was look out for me .

Thank you winter spirit for that I believe I You .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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