Hope love Oliver

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"Hope I had no idea, and you know i was with Ally remember and she just died" spoke Oliver.

"I am here to help you morn, and move on. You were my first true love Ollie" sweetly spoke Hope.

"Yes but to much has happened, and you rejected me more than once. There was nothing i could do to keep you from Liam even when Liam was with Steffy" spoke Oliver.

"I was hurt. But when i look back we were perfect together" said Hope as she walked up and kissed him on the lips.

"No Hope. Not saying no for ever but for now this is a no i cant" said Oliver as he walked off with a tear in his eye.

Hope still had hope so she smiled her way to Steffys office to let her know her intentions.

Steffy had just walked in the office as Hope arrived.

"Morning Steffy" spoke Hope.

"Hey Hope hows the jetlag going?" She asked.

"Think i will get tired by lunch but i am fine now. And i told him I still love him" spoke a gleeful Hope.

Steffy knew it couldnt of been Liam, and knew it wanst Wyatt.

"Hope is this guy" she asked.

"My Ollie, he bee through a tough time with Ally but now i am here for him" spoke Hope.

Steffy was shocked and amused "wow young romance your first love indeed was him. What did he say".

"He said not now. But also said that he doent mean never" said Hope.

Steffy laughed.

"Whats so funny" asked Hope.

"You kinda screwed up Wyatts life he dumping Ivy for you" said Steffy.

"But why i told him that i am not back for him" said a shocked Hope.

"But with the chance you did, his heart and mind had already chose you" said Steffy she paused for effect "and you know Wyatt he is a nice guy and knew it not right to stay with Ivy knowing he would dump her if you wanted him back".

"Wow he really is a great guy i have to go see him" spoke Hope as she turned and walked out.

Steffy felt like a new fountain of gossip who should she tell.
She decided to do the right thing, she didnt want to upset Wyatt and this information wouldn't help Ivy.

She picked up her phone to message Oliver
*hey Oliver if you need someone to talk to i am here, i know about Hope*
She didnt immidiatley get a reply but ten minutes later she did.
*yes please can i come to yours tonight think i need Liams help too*

Steffy felt relieved she could help
*see your around 7pm, take care today you dont have to rush into anything so be careful*

*thanks Stef see you later*

Wyatts place
Hope arrived and no one was home, which was exactly what she needed.

She still had a key so she let her self in as he textes Wyatt,
*can we catch up for Lunch? Last night didnt go as planned*

Wyatt was at work walking past Steffys office when he got the text, he smiled as he read it then wrote back
*yes i can do lunch text me the address and i will see you there*

Wyatt turned into Steffys office.
"Hey sis" said Wyatt.

Steffy looked up and laughed "hey bro whats up? How are you feeling today?" She asked.

"Feeling bit better Hope wants to see me, would you know anything about that?" He Quized.

"A little bit yes, just about last night and all that didnt go the way she hoped it would" said Steffy.

"I agree i was expecting a big romantic kiss" said Wyatt.

"I think there is still a chance for you guys, not straight away but just be you and i think everything will work out great" she replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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