Are You Alone?

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his is the story of one boy's suffering. One boy's suffering that was with him from the beginning, that gripped at him ever tighter until he could no longer escape it. One boy's suffering that left him robbed of himself, forever changed by the events that overwhelmed him.

That boy is me...

Or rather, it used to be me.

As a child, I never really had many friends. While growing up I always seemed to move from one already established group of friends to the next. I was constantly harassed at school, always singled out as a bullying target because nobody really wanted me. Nobody valued the friendship I had to offer, nor did they give me a chance to be accepted. Because of this I was always an angry child and I'd constantly be involved in schoolyard fights (because others seemed to find joy in hurting me) and as a result I'd always bear injuries from having no help when the bullies and their equally shitty friends swarmed me. Eventually my teachers grew sick and tired of trying to deal with my problems and just let the bullies have their way. My parents were also just as frustrated with trying to help me to escape the torment. I always tried to explain that it wasn't my fault, that all the other students just seemed to despise me on sight, but it never got through to them. Eventually I stopped trying and gave up on them.

At about age 13 my parents had completely lost faith in me, they didn't care anymore. With nobody to communicate my problems to, I became extremely reclusive, and developed a reputation as being a hermit. For the next three years I shut myself off from the world as much as humanly possible, enduring the constant torment of the outside world and ignoring the sick and over exaggerated tales about me.

At age 16, there was the arrival of something else, something worse...

I was on my way home from school in the dim light of the late afternoon, since I always made it a point to go home the LONG way so as to avoid the other students and prolong going home to my indifferent parents. I wasn't too far from home, maybe a block or two away, when I noticed a pale glow in the middle of an empty street. My neighbourhood was always full of weird people doing dumb things, so I paid no attention to it and kept walking. As I got closer to the source of the odd glow I could make out the form of a girl.

Once I could see her properly, all the lights in the area suddenly blacked out. The only thing that assured me I hadn't been blinded was the lasting pale glow of the girl standing perfectly still in the street enveloped in shadow. Even the faint light of the setting sun had somehow been extinguished. Before I could even begin to panic, I heard the words "Are you alone?" At that I began to Run. I couldn't see where I was going, or even if I was going anywhere at all. All I know is eventually I turned to see what was behind me, if anything. I didn't like what I saw.

"Are you alone?" said the girl who was now standing right in front of my face. She looked to be about 14 and she wore clothes like some sort of maiden from the 1700's. She had a face full of innocence and spoke her words softly.

I slowly gathered the strength to answer her, and I noticed my watch was frozen so there was no way for me to know how much time had elapsed.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered unsurely, At this point I could only think I was hallucinating or about to die.

"Can we be friends?" she said next, leaving me speechless awhile longer. Fear gripped at me and I could feel the strain in my throat. I was stuttering for the words, any words, to break this sickening and ungodly silence.

After a while I was at the stage where I felt I needed to get this, whatever "this" was, over with.

"Yes..." I answered bleakly as I fell to the floor, having exerted the last of my willpower.

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