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Imagine you and Dylan are sitting on his brown leather couch, his arm slung casually across your shoulder and your legs over his. You're wearing one of his shirts and a pair of cotton shorts that he loves. He keeps glancing over at you, a smirk appearing every time his eyes locate the bruises on your neck. Each time he does this, they tingle and you remember the events of the previous night...

He has you pinned against the wall and he is fumbling for the lock. Its hasty and heated and very very unexpected but neither of you can resist. With the three month wait and the close bedroom cuddles, the final step has been a long time coming. He finally unlocks the door and pushes you through, his hands around your waist. He shuts the door with his foot and never breaks the contact between your lips and his. His breathing is rapid and yours is heavy, almost pants. He slams you against the wall again, his hands roaming your body underneath your shirt. His fingers leave goosebumps and you can't stop yourself from moaning into the depth of his mouth. You feel him smirk against you and he pulls your bottom lip between his teeth, tugging and causing shivers to course  down to between your legs. You can feel his heart beating against his chest and all you want to do it tear his shirt away from the burning flesh you crave against yours. He lifts you up, his hands on your ass, and carries you into the bedroom. You know his plan and you are completely in favor of what he is about to do. He lays you gently down on the feather duvet you've been so used to snuggling under and runs his hand up your thigh. Your breath hitches as he pulls away  and smiles down at you, his brown eyes hazy with clear lust. His lips begin to slide from yours to your jawline, then the soft skin of your neck. He sucks and nibbles making you moan in pure bliss. He moves down your body, his hand still running up and down your thigh. You feel your shirt rise up and his hand makes contact with the bare flesh of your stomach. He breathes a shaky "fuck"  and places his forehead on yours.

"You're so beautiful" he whispers, his eyes locked onto yours.

You blush and place a hand in his hair. His hand is still lingering on your thigh and now on your waist. He pulls you up and removes your loose fitting shirt, flushing at the sight of your bare torso (excluding the lacy peach bra). He leans in, placing his lips against your collarbone. You can feel his tongue grazing the surface and you feel a similar dampness collect between your legs. He begins to move lower, his tongue grazing the crease in-between your breasts.. You quiver and moan as he slips your left breast out of the shielding bra cup and lets his tongue skim around your nipple. He smirks and brings his teeth closed, pulling lightly on your nipple. He has you captivated beneath his touch and its undeniably exquisite; so worth the wait. 

"I love you." he breathes against your skin, lifting his head up and locking eyes with you. 

In shock, you open your mouth to speak but no words come out. Just as you're about to string the words together, he brushes your slit through your panties.  His name spills from your mouth like drunken slurs and your hips move against the friction he is creating, 

"Baby, snap back to reality."  He chuckles whilst waving his hand in front of your face.

You smile shyly at him and run a hand through your hair. He knows exactly what you were just thinking about, and yet you don't care. 

"Come on. Lets go out." He says as he pushes himself from the entangled mess you had created.

You stand with him, a little bemused by his sudden want to leave the comfort of his flat. He takes your hand and leads you to the large black bathroom. 

"Got to get clean before we go out baby." He winks cheekily.

He turns and removes his shirt, signalling for you to do the same. He turns and twists the faucet, allowing a stream of warm water to flow from the shower head. As he turns back to you, his eyes grow hungry and appreciative of the bare form of you.

"I see I left my mark." He smirks, running his hand across the stream of hickies falling from your neck.

"My little wolf." You wink before stepping under the stream.

He joins you, his hands roaming over the body you call yours, yet he calls his. Your hair is flattens  on your back as the stream pounds down on you both. His  lips touch your bare shoulder and your breath falters. You can feel his entire aura surrounding you and its suffocatingly wonderful. 

"I love you".

Again, your words struggle to string together and the butterflies in your stomach take the train straight to your heart. You turn and face him, his hair wet and flopping in his face. His brown eyes show his nervousness and they search your face for an answer. You place your hand on his face and reach yourself up to meet your lips.

"I love you too Dylan".

His dark shadowed face turns up and beams with pure happiness. He places his lips on yours again, his hands cupping your face and holding you to him. You can feel so much in that one kiss. The one that will mean so much and be so significant in the future of your relationship.

He pulls away a little breathless and smiles again. To your surprise, he picks up the shampoo bottle and lathers some of the green liquid between his palms before massaging it into your wet tendrils. You moan appreciatively and close your eyes, enjoying the wonderful feeling of his fingers against your head. 


Once both of you are washed and dried off, he dresses in a pair of navy skinny jeans, a black tight fitting t-shirt and a pair of black converses. You open your mouth in awe, still not over how gorgeous your boyfriend is. You suddenly feel shy in what you've chosen. 

"You look gorgeous!" He exclaims, enveloping you in his arms.

"Nothing compared to you Dyl".

He tuts and lifts your chin so your kohl lined eyes meet his.

"You look astonishing baby. I am so proud to be able to walk out on the street with you and call you mine".

You blush and he places a chaste kiss on your matte nude lips. His hand encloses around yours and he leads you out of the front door.  With a nervous breath, you look at Dylan and smile. His converse clad feet meet your ballet flat covered ones and you both exhale as you open the building doors to a stream of flashing lights. After three months, you still weren't used to the attention but Dylans' fingers rubbing slowly against your knuckles made the anxiety in your chest settle and you smiled again.

He leads you through the crowd of paparazzi and crazed fans to the awaiting car. He opens the door for you and the crowd simultaneously "awww". He slides into the seat next to you and signals for the driver to go. You have no idea where he is taking you, but you know he will have chosen somewhere either super goofy, or super romantic.


There are fairy lights wound around the Gazebo's structure and music is playing softly in the background. He takes your hand and leads you up the steps, pulling you close to him and placing his other hand on your lower back. 

"You look wonderful in this light".

You blush and smile at his sweet sincere compliment.

"I love you."

"I love you too Dyl."



Hope this is alright for y'all! I take requests so shoot :)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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