Fledge - 2

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This chap is a bit gory. Not quite spn gory, but close. Rio is English, but now lives in America.

There is a gun and blood and character death. If you can't handle that, don't read.

I'm not making this mature, because yes there is swearing, but there is unlikely to be sex. Mae is sixteen, and Gabe will be like their brother (plus a like gajillion years older) and they don't know Chris or Aidan or Leanne that well.

Chuck has bound Gabe's powers for the moment because he kept snapping up candy and he actually made his chest worse.

So Gabe is like human, but with archangel strength, and wings (that he's not allowed to fly with).

Finally, if you didn't infer, Rio is agender. They are also asexual and romantically attracted to girls.

-Love ya!



"Torment means, um-"

"Great suffering."

"Torpid is, um, slow and sluggish,"

"Describing a living thing usually."

"A torrent is, like, a  chaotic rush of something-"


"How many of these do you know, Gabriel?" I asked curiously. "Most people are stumped by now."

Gabriel grinned. "Most people not clever enough to keep up with you?" He asked. "Pass me the list."

I handed it over, then flipped open my personal notebook to the Designated Doodle Page while he read over the list.

I was halfway through a manga cat when he threw the list down with a "Ha!"

I looked up.

"I know them all." He said triumphantly.

"Ah, but can you explain them all? It's often harder to say the meanings out loud then in your head."

He shrugged. "Rio, there are fifty words on that list. I am not listing every single one." He said, shifting in his chair, then wincing.

"Fine." I sighed. Who could resist those eyes? "Just, if you're going to speak, then speak when I stop."

I continued through the 'to-' words, and when I reached ones I didn't know, Gabriel had the dictionary open on his lap and read the definitions to me in his best (terrible) British accent.

"You're making me homesick," I told him the second time he did it. "It's just not the same, this side of the Pond."

He patted me on the arm. "I miss my old home too." He said. "My brothers, when they weren't fighting, all of it really."

There was a quiet moment then where we contemplated home. "Anyway," I said, and we carried on.

After the lesson, I steered Gabriel towards Christian, the boy we'd befriended when we started. We set up on a bench, and I parked Gabriel at one end. "Hey guys." Christian greeted us.

"Hey Chris." Gabriel replied. "How was your English experience?" Chris was taking English Literature, not English Language, so we were split up this period.

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