The Moment I Found Out I Loved Him

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Pic of Devon------------->


"Come on Dimond, ill show you were your next class is. What do you have next anyways?" Devon asked.

"I have Mr.Macklemore, Physical Eduation." i replied.

"Oh.. i see...." Devon said.

"What?" i asked.

"Well you see, Rumore has it, that Mr.Macklemore sucked the blood out of Mrs.Macklemore, and they had little vampire babies." Devon joked.

"Ohh.. yeah. And im a werewolf, and your my mate! Phaaa!" I joked.

"Yeah. Silly things like that make my day." Devon said. "I have gym next to! Ill walk with you." He held my hand, and we walked down the long hallway and took a right turn.

 He opened the girls locker room door for me, and then he left to the boys loceker room. 5 minutes later, we both came out, he picked me up, and spun me around in circles. And we nearly fell. I left to my teacher, and he left to his. We did our exercises, and went outside. Devon ran to my class, and grabbed my hand, and he told me to run. Run, and not look back. i knew what we were doing, we were ditching our classes!

"Devon! i cant, i cant do this anymore!" I cried.

"Just a little further!" Devon said.

We ran for 3 more blocks, and then we both collapsed on the cold fall grass. I rolled on top of Devon, and layed on his chest, and he kissed the top of my head.

"I probably look like crap!" I said.

"And im probably pregnant" Devon said.

"what?" i asked

"Oh, i thought we were listing things that were imposible!" Devon said, and he looke down at me, and i looked up at him and smiled.

I kissed him allitle more, and we stood  up, i jumped up, and put my legs around his waist. and ran my fingers through his hair.


Yes, now you can think a little dirty, but not to dirty. Trust me, its not going that far.

He was a great kisser, and i never want him to let me go. I feel so safe in his arms. Like no one can hurt me, hes the other half of me ive been missing, for so long!

We stopped, and just layed on the grass. Looking up into the clear blue sky.

"Have i ever told you, how beautiful you are?" Devon asked.

"now you did." I said.

I lay on his chest, a girls favorite pillow. And smiled. I cant imagine life without him. But that got me thinking. I never wanted to live without my father, or even my brother. But thats a whole different story.


Yes, ill tell you about it later. I havent even told Devon about it yet. So, im pretty sure you can wait, just a little longer.

"Devon?" i said

"yeah?" he asked looking down at me.

"Why? Why did you choose me? Instead of Amanda, or Tracy?" I asked. "Im nothing compared to them. They're perfect, and flawless, and i know, that you loved them, one point in your life." I said, now my looking up at him.

"Its complicated Dimond. Its just something you wont understand." Devon replied to her. "Maybe theyre pretty looking to you, but when i look at them, i see a slut. When i look at you, i see beauty, and confidence."

"Devon! Why wont you tell me? You tell me its complicated, but thats it?" I asked. "Cant you see, im dieing to know. i know you have a secret Devon, and its killing me, that i dont know it. But one day, i will find out." I said.

"One day Dimond, ill tell you. Theres time for everything. I promise" He said. "But for now, lets just enjoy this beautiful weather!"


"Way to jinx it! Im pretty sure that was thunder." i said.

"Yep, and that was lightning." he said.

It started drizzling, and then poaring rain.

"Great, were are we gonna hide? There is no trees, and no bulidings!"

He just smiled at me, and tillted my chin up, and gave me a kiss. I would never forget that moment. the moment, when he kissed me in the rain. It was different than any other kiss, from any other guy. I felt a spark. Something ive never felt before.

Devon, knelt to the ground and....


No, this is not what your thinking. Im sure of it. Hes NOT proposing. Just saying.

He knelt to the ground, and said... "Dimond, i love you. I dont know why im saying this, but i really love you! You have no idea! I want to be with you, for my whole life. I promise you, im not lieing. When im with you i feel like nothing can stop me from being with you. I want you to be my girl friend. And i dont have to think twice about this relationship, because i love you!"

Tears formed in my eyes, and i said, "Sure, i guess i can give it a shot, to be your girlfriend" and i hugged him.

Ana thats the moment i found out i loved him.

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