chapter two

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I was still slightly shocked about seeing Chris, Mark, Alex and Dan, it'd been over a year since I saw them last, they were like family but mom got really depressed when they were around, they just remindered her of dad. Im not saying everything was always perfect between my parents, but They really did love eachother, that I can promise.

"Kenadee!" Kade screamed running toward me as he picked me up in a bear hug and spun me around. "sorry about the crowd surfing.." he said looking at the ground

" Its fine Kade" I smiled

"Grayson and Jacob made me do it" he stammered

"Kade, don't worry, it's fine honestly, this is one of my better birthdays since dad left" I said plastering on a smile that I hope looked sincere

"Alright Kena... oh I sorta have a suprise for you back at the bus"Kade said

"alright why dont we head back and you can give it to me?" I asked

"okay awesome!" he said excitedly

"you guys coming?" I asked Alex, Chris,mark and Dan

they all shrugged and left the merch tent letting Joey and Jenna our merch people take over

"soooo Kade, whats the suprise?" I asked proding

"you'll see" he smiled

we got to the bus after about ten minutes of pushing through crowds

"okay Kenadee sit on the couch Ill get you present"

about five minutes later Kade walked out of the back loung his hands behind his back

"close your eyes Kena" Kade said with a stupid smile on his face

"okay" I sighed

I closed my eyes and then felt something warm sat in my hands.

"okay open up" he said

I slowly opened my eyes a bit scared of what I might see. There was puppy in my lap.

"Oh my god Kade! He looks just like Parker!" I screamed

" I thought you might like him, I know you miss your mom and Parker a lot so I thought maybe having a puppy would make you less home sick" Kade said smiling as Grayson, Jacob and Vincent walked onto the bus

"Oh sick a puppy!" Vincent screamed "can I hold it Kena? can I" he asked as if he was a little kid

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