Chapter Three

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Graun Heda POV

   We have been searching for hours and there was still no sign of Clarke. Octavia had also brought along her brother, Bellamy and friend Raven. Raven was cripple, but seemed to get around by herself just fine.

   "Heda! We've found something." I rush over to one of my hunters and see him pointing to several footprints in the ground.

   "Can anyone track? I hadn't thought to bring any of our trackers with us," He shrugs his shoulders and I feel someone place a hand on my shoulder.

   "I can track Lexa. Not as well as one of your own, but it might lead us somewhere." Octavia steps forward and then kneels down.

   "She seems to have been here not too long ago, I'd say roughly an hour or so." She then pauses for a few moments. "There seems to be no sign of struggle. So as long as exposure, dehydration or starvation didn't kill her in the past hour she isn't dead." I sure hope that Octavia is right.

   She stands and begins follows the tracks.

   "If I'm seeing this correctly, the tracks are getting farther apart. She easily could have seen something that forced her away. I don't see any other tracks, bullets, or arrows so... I'm not too sure"

   "What if she heard something? I mean we wouldn't see tracks, arrows, or bullets from another person." Raven says quickly catching up to us.

   She is right, any animals stepping on twigs or leaves could have scared Clarke. I trudge up a hill to see if there are any tracks. There are several berry bushes in the middle of a clearing.

   I step forward to get a better view of things and my foot sinks into the ground. I look down and see several footprints leading to one of the berry bushes.

   "Octavia! Raven! Bellamy! I've found something" Within seconds all three of are by my side. "Are those hers?"

   Octavia crouches down to get a better look and begins tracing the print with her fingers.

   "It is possible, it seems to be about the same shape as the other ones." Bellamy interrupts her.

   "How are we going to know its hers, O?" She laughs and then stands, putting a hand on her brothers shoulder.

   "Easy, we follow the footsteps, when they end we'll either find Clarke, or someone else." I nod my head and call my hunter up to the hill.

   We follow the footsteps for what seems like hours, until they finally stop at a bush, with less berries then the other. I pick one of the berries from the bush and begin to look at it closely. Glockwood.

   "It's glockwood, toxin to small animals. In most cases it'll only put us to sleep, but sometimes in a case of overdose the consumer will be under a coma. If Clarke ate them she can't b-" Octavia inspects the other side of the bush.

   "CLARKE! She's here!" I drop the berry and rush to the other side. Sure enough Clarke was there passed out holding a handful of berries. I drop to my knees and Octavia moves away.

   First I check her pulse, I've seen her do it many time to grounders and sky people. Faint, but it's still there. I try to shake her awake, but she doesn't budge.

Skai Heda POV

   Someone is shaking me, and I hear Lexa's voice. I try calling out to her and not a sound comes out. If this was the afterlife it isn't very pleasant. Maybe I wasn't dead, even though I had felt dead. The berries had looked, so familiar, but I couldn't identify them.

   "Clarke, please wake up." Lexa desperately says "I need you to come back to me."

   Did she still care in that way? Hot droplets fall on my face, was she crying?

   "I am so sorry for abandoning you and your people at the mountain. You are so strong Clarke, and you didn't deserve any of this. When Costia died I was so broken, and you fixed that. You mean so much to me, and if you died I don't know what I would do." If only I could tell her.

   Then another voice comes into play. "We need to get her back to Abby." Octavia.

   "Get the horses!" Lexa affirmed with a shaky voice. "We will get you help Clarke, I promise." Nothing happens for the next few seconds until Lexa presses her lips against mine slightly.

   Please wake up. I don't care how long it takes, but please wake up. That's the last thing I think about before slipping back into the darkness

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