Chapter Six

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Graun Heda POV

   In attempt to keep my mind away from things I decide to visit Polis for a few days. It wouldn't be several days until Octavia would come to tell me that Clarke was fully healed.

   Clarke is going to be my down fall. I have put my walls down before, for Costia, but she ended up dead. I was so damamged after that and vowed to never let my walls down for just anyone.

   For many hours I had begun to ponder if Clarke was just anyone. We had shared two kisses now, two tender kisses that didn't last very long, two tender kisses that had I allowed myself to put both my walls and guard down.

   Dark was nearing and I was several hours from Polis so making camp was my best option. I get off of my horse and tie the reins to a nearby tree. I begin to collect things that I'll need to start the fire,  like a flint rock, moss, and dry grass. I fetch my hunting knife from my satchel and arrange the fireplace in a manor that wouldn't burn down the entire forest.

   I collect smooth grey rocks and build a barrier around the tinder I collected. Before lighting the kindling the fire, I decide to go hunting so I would have a meal to eat before traveling more tomorrow.

   I take bow and a quiver from a pouch on the horses saddle, slinging the quiver around my body and begin to search for succulent dinner.

   Very carefully I move around the forest so I don't alert or scare away any animals. Nearby I see a deer feeding on some grass in a field.

   I grab an arrow and ready my bow. Just as I'm about to shoot the deer moves and it revels a smaller deer, which couldn't be more then three months old. I lower my bow and turn away.

   Clarke was lowering my walls, and now I couldn't even kill a mothering deer.

Skai Heda POV

   My mom comes in and gives a warm smile.

   "Look who's up!" She comes to my left side, and moves Octavia over a couple feet.

   "I definitely won't be sleep for a couple days." I laugh and then feel a pain in my side.

   "Careful, we don't want your stitches ripping open." She walks around the room to get a gauze pad and medical tape probably to keep my stitches from being tampered with.

   "Have you seen Lexa?" My mom turns to look at me and has a scowl on her face.

   "She has gone back to Ton DC." Did Lexa really leave me? "Speaking of which. Octavia, she requested you presence once Clarke is up and moving around."

   Octavia nods her head and thanks my mom.

   "For now Clarke, you are on strict bed rest until you stitches heal your side properly."

   "Thank you mom." She bites her lip and begins to clean up.

    Something is off, I'm not too sure what, but there was definitely something wrong. I wouldn't dare ask what, as she might shoot back something she'll regret.

   Lexa left me, again. Once for her people and now for an unknown reason, probably even unknown to herself.

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