Chapter 9

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"Alexa! What took you so long!" Alice exclaims. I laugh at her distress," It's Christmas morning and I have six kids." "Touché. But seriously we Have a very busy day." She says and I groan. "Oh suck it up. It's going to be perfect." She says and leads my family and I into the living room. "Look who showed up." Emmet says and Rose punches his arm. I laugh and hold Elijah close to me as Spencer and Hope hide behind my legs. "Jadey!" Elliot(Alice's daughter) says running up. Jaden and Emily look at me for approval. "Go! Have fun!" I say and all three of them sprint out the door. "Come! Sit! The pack will be here soon." Esme says and I nod. Seth takes my hand and the twins follow us as we go to sit on the couch. Hope and Spencer sit on his lap and I smile. "So..." Bella says, successfully making this more awkward. "How has your new home been?" Alexandra asks, trying to make conversation. "It's great! We really love it." I say and smile. "Okay! Time for the festivities to begin!" Alice screeches and I laugh. "You ready?" Seth asks, and I nod. "Hope, Spencer!" Do you want to play?" Alexandra asks and they shake their heads, clinging to my legs. I sigh. Seth looks at me and I hand him Elijah, kissing Elijah's sleeping head as I hand him off. "Come on my babies! Let's go play with Alex." I say and they nod. I laugh and take their hands. "They're just shy." I tell Alex, seeing her hurt expression. "John! Come on!" I signal to John and his head snaps up. "Coming!" He says and runs over. "My boy!" Seth says and messes up his hair. I laugh and look out as we step onto the back deck. "Wow." I say, my jaw dropping. The snow covered yard has lights strung in every tree, music plays softly and the whole family is having their own conversations. Jaden, Emily, and Elliot run around, Rosalie chasing them playfully. "Let's go play." I tell the Twins and John. They beam and John takes their hands, leading them down the steps. "Seth, go with them, I need to get Elijah a coat." I say and he nods, handing me my human baby. He kisses me gently, then runs off. "Alex!" I call out, seeing her turn around. "Make sure my husband doesn't kill my kids." I say sarcastically, and she laughs before heading towards the snow. I sigh and turn around. "I love you Eli." I say and kiss his head. I walk out to the car and get out his coat. I put it on him and grab the other kids coats. "Well look who it is." A booming, annoying voice says from behind me. I close the door and spin around on my heel. "Jacob." I state. "Hello Alexa." He says, an idiotic look on his face. "Don't you have a wife to attend to?" "Right." He says and disappears. "Elijah, never end up as dumb as him." I whisper and he smiles a bit. "Hello Wolf people." I say, greeting the pack as they show up. "Well howdy stranger." Emily says and I laugh. "Come on. The party's jus getting started." I say and lead them into the back yard. "Bro!" Seth yells, and waves the pack over to where he is playing with John. I laugh. "Esme, would you hold Elijah for a moment." I ask and she smiles before taking him into her arms. I flash down to the snow and over to Elliot, Jaden, and Emily. "Hello pretty babies. Whatcha up to?" I ask and Jaden gives me a hug. "We're playing with aunt Rose!" She says and I smile. "Yeah? Is she fun?" I ask and they giggle. "Okay, please put these on." I say and hold up their coats. "Even me!" Jaden complains and I laugh. "Yes even you!" I say and widen my eyes. I put her coat on her and hand Emily hers. "Now. Isn't that better?" I ask and I button her last button. "Sure mommy." She says with a cute eye roll. "Go play you drama queen." I say and kiss her cheek before sending her off. "I love you Emmy." I say and she smile. "I love you too momma." She says and runs off. Then I go and practically throw John's coat into the pack. "You better put that on John!" I shout and I hear a giggle. "Oh twinnies!" I call, and Hope and Spencer's heads snap up from where they play with Alexandra and Alice. "Mommy!" They screech and run/toddle over to where i am(like a foot away). I scoop them up and kiss them both. "Let's get your coats on. You're freezing!" I say and put their coats on quickly. "Alright! Go play!" I say and Spencer runs off. "Hope? You don't want to play with Alex?" I ask and she shakes her head and points at me. "You want to play with Mommy!" I ask, pretending to be shocked. She nods and I smile. "Well! Then let's play!" I say and she giggles. I put her on my back and run around really quickly. Then I put her down some million laps later and she looks dizzy. I laugh and pick her up, carrying her like a baby to the porch. I sit down on the steps next to Esme and Carlisle, my baby in her arms. "Where is Renesmee?" I ask. "She and Jacob... Went to their room." She says and I bust out laughing. They laugh at my hysterics. "It's time for lunch!" Alice calls, as if she were inside cooking the whole time. "You hungry?" I go to ask Hope, but find her sound asleep in my arms. "Guess not." I say and laugh. I get up with my grandparents and walk into the big dining room where the table is beautifully decorated. Then comes the biggest shock of them all.

The Other Twin: The story of Renesmee's twin. BOOK 2!Where stories live. Discover now