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Chapter One.

(Your POV)

"You wouldn't dare!" Sasuke challenged me.

"Oh, wouldn't I? Do you really want to wait and find out?" I smiled trying to look as intimidating as possible.

"Ok fine, what do you want from me? A kiss? A date? Or maybe you want to skip all that and go straight to 3rd base?" Sasuke sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Wh-What?! No thank you! It's not you I'm interested in!" I huffed, not exactly surprised he would think something like that with his ego.

"So why the hell are you blackmailing me?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"I-I uh..." I trailed off blushing madly, I couldn't believe I was about to ask this. "Well you're close to Naruto and I kinda, sorta really like him and I'm to scared to talk to him and I really want to get to know him and maybe... Maybe ask him out on a date"

"Naruto? Seriously?" Sasuke snorted.

"Sh-shut up! He's so gorgeous and awesome and-"

"Alright fine!!! If I help you then you better delete that video and never speak to me again!" Sasuke cut me off.

"Thank you! Yes, yes I will delete it but not until you've done your job!" I beamed.

"You're such a loser" Sasuke muttered before walking away.

~Flash back to yesterday~

It was Sunday night, I had just turned into my street after spending the last few hours at the mall with my bestfriend (F/N). I noticed loud music coming from my neighbours house and stopped outside and looked up... There was the most popular boy in my year at school, Sasuke Uchiha, towel round his waist and hair brush in hand, belting out "Baby" by Justin Bieber... Badly may I add! Smirking, I pulled out my phone and started to record this monstrosity of a performance. When he finished and walked out of sight I put my phone away and walked the few steps to my front door before heading inside and running up to my room to review the footage. Of course the first thought that came to mind was putting it up on YouTube for the world to see how uncool he actually is, but then...

"I could ask him to help me with my crush since they're close..." I thought for a moment. "I do suck socially, this has to be my best bet and Sasuke is a pro at flirting... Well that's settled then!"

~Next day after school~

After a busy day trying to get Sasuke's attention and failing horribly due to the massive crowd of fan girls glomping him at every chance they got, I finally saw him walking home alone. I started speed walking trying to catch up when an idea sprang to mind.

"Oi Sasuke! What time is it?!" I yelled causing him to stop and turn around and then glance at his watch.

"3.45pm" He replied bluntly.

"Uh no it isn't! ITS JUSTIN BIEBER PARTY TIME!!!! Baby, baby, baby ooooh!" I mimicked him singing into the hair brush.

Sasuke stomped towards me with a look of pure horror smacked on his face.

"Yo-you saw that?!"

"Damn right I did! Plus I may have recorded it... You really should learn to close your curtains" I smiled cutely.

"Get rid of it and tell nobody! Got it?!" He growled.

"No way! Your fan girls will love this! But maybe we could come to some sort of agreement"

"No just get rid of it and stop playing around!" He spat.

"Ok I guess it's going up on YouTube then!"


I continued walking home smiling in triumph and victory. I stopped outside Sasuke's house again and peered up at the window, whoever invented windows thank you!

*(A/N) will try to update everyday! Thanks for reading*

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