Day 1: "You owe me."

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"Hey! Kevin! Give that baaaaaack!"

That was me. I'm in a street fare right now and my cousin took my cellphone and ran away with it. Damn it, why do boys really like stealing things from Me? like c'mon! He's definitely toast!

"Catch me if you can! "

"Darn! I said give it back!"

We've been running around the fare for about 10minutes now. I'm very exhausted and I just tripped a bucket of oranges a while ago. Good thing they didn't saw me :/

Then I saw Kevin stop. Trying to catch his breath. I tried to run off as fast as I can to definitely get my cellphone off that prick when...

"Hey you! Stop right there!"

What the? Who the heck will..?

I turned the one who was calling me at my right. It's a guy. No, a HOT one. And I hate it.

Have I mentioned I hate boys? Why? Here is the flashback.

[ F L A S H B A C K ]

I was in the line. I'm buying starbucks. I am so late for work right now and Uncle Joe is going to strangle me when I get there. Well, no one's stopping me in buying my favorite latte! :)

Then It's my turn.

"One large caramel latte please."

"That'll be $24 ma'am"

I paid and waited for my latte. I checked my phone for a bit and I got like 10messages from my boss. I am so toast!

Then I could hear a guy coming in at the entrance and came near the counter. Near me.

He's sweating. Look's like this one ran a marathon.

He spoke to the lady in the counter.

"Hey, my wife is pregnant. And she's having difficulty in labor. She needs coffee. So may I?"

Hahahaha! What the? What kind of excuse is that? Who would do labor while drinking coffee? Damn. This guy's crazy. He's just trying to get over the line......

"Here sir! Goodluck to your wife! And congratulations!"

What?! Did she just hand over my latte to that....?! So I'm going to pay again? That's just great!

"What?! Hey miss. That was MY coffee!"

"Come on ma'am. Give a heart. His wife is giving birth."

"F*ck that! Like anyone will drink coffee while pushing out! Hey mister! Give my latte back!"

I went out and chased that prick. And there he was. Walking easely at the pedestrian lane. Giving birth eh? Well. If you don't give me back my latte. You'll wish you've never been born boy.


He turned around and he is definitely sipping MY latte.

"Who are you?"

"Well, that doesn't matter. But what matters is you stole my latte!"

"Oh. Well. Thankyou for this lady. Here. I'm almost finished."

He drank and drank it. And gave my cup. Empty. That b*tch!

He left and I was just standing there. Holding an empty cup in my hand. Trying to process what he just did.

And since then. I've hated guys.

[ E N D O F F L A S H B A C K]

Back to the crazy yelling guy who called me.

"What do you want mister?"

"You just kicked my oranges a while ago!"

Jeez. I guess somoene DID saw me.

"Oh. Well sorry for that. I was just chasing my cousin..."

"Shutup. I don't care. But what I do care is that you just knocked off my bucket of oranges. And now. I lost twenty of them!"

Damn. I'm not really in the mood for an argument right now. I'm exhausted and I guess Kevin ran off again. I have to get this over with.

" So what do you want?"


I opened my wallet and just handed what he want and left.

"Hey! Wait! I'm not done with you yet!"

Seriously?! What does this guy want?!

"What?! What else do I owe you?!"

He smirked. This is not good.

"Well. My oranges got bruised."

"So?! Not my fault then! You should grow'em better next time!"

"Yes, it is your fault. And you owe me. "

I really really reaaallllyyy like to kick this one like right now.

"Jeez mister. Then what? What else?"

" You owe me a date. " he said that with a wink and his devilish grin.

This is NOT happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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