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I stumble up the 10th grade hallway and almost trip from the previous hilarious joke my friend, Gimmidean made. My arms still around my friends backs, I recover and with drawl my face back up from the ground. There he is. The captain of the football team. George Hankelbush. Oh gosh, I still get butterflies when I see him. Gosh, what girl doesn't blush when he flexes his muscles for people's jealously. The boys, they just get annoyed and walk away ticked off about him and their ability to not hook every girl in this school in. Even, some of the senior girls like him. They are two years older. Anyways, I blush and sort of giggle. I feel my friend Ally squeeze my hand and her face turns bright red as she blinks. She stays there for a moment. All of us girls know, at least in my friend group, we are all in love with George. And also, this other guy who is super hot too. Jimmy Parker. He is also a very fine man.

We all skip out of the doors and after, the doors flush behind our backs and we all undo our whole entire holding hand situation. I head down Privet Drive to where I live, and as well as Gimmidean. Gamimma and Ally, plus Sue all walk down their road Tuttle Road. I start to hum a tune from my favorite singer, Perry Como. But, Gimmidean decides to interrupt me on my favorite part-

"Hey so who else do you have your witty little eye on?" she asks winking to me.

I start blushing, "of who?"

"You know what I mean girl, of course boys. But, don't cheat. Don't pick George or Jimmy, even Referson. He's kinda cute as well."

"Dunno," I coo.

"C'mon, I saw you daydreaming while looking at that one kid, Peter Makinnal." Gimmidean says and continues groaning about carrying her heavy math and historical books.

"He is only temporally. I've got my eyes on someone too, but I'm not ready to share yet."

I turn my torso to my walkway to my home and she starts giggling. I see mama cooking an after school snack in the kitchen from here and I quickly walk up our porch. The smell of brownies sensate my nostrils.

"Haha. Only temporally," I hear Gimmidean in the back. I turn around and she's waving. I throw up my hand to her and swing open our front door and it squeaks. Oh that squeak, it reminds me of playing outside when I was little with Gimmidean and always running in constantly for another drink of water. Mama would always get annoying and have to pause her documentary on the television. All I can say is,

Good times. Good times.

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