Chapter 18

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  Raven P.O.V

Carter has been home for 3 days and we been enjoying having him back, we are heading about 9 towns over to the beach for a get away, yesterday the school called me and let me know that Ms. Mary wasn't going to be around for a while she took some personal days. Carter and Drake have something planned for me but they won't tell me what, right now we are in the car and i am driving because those 2 love birds are making out in the back seat.
"So whats the plan?" I asked
"Well mom said you can sleep in the beach house while me and my man sleep in a hotel because we will be making love all night long" Drake said
"Well i will have to thank mom for that" i said and laughed
"Yea but when we get there you have to put blind fold on when we arrive" Carter said
"Why?" i asked
"Mom had some remolding done for you and so she wants it to be a surprise" Drake said and that's when we arrived at the beach house we all got out and the quickly got the blind fold on
"Now remember to keep a open mind" Carter and Drake said at the same time and that was creepy because they never been able to time it right, now i am really scared. They lead me into the house i hoping it was the house and they lead me into the living room and something smelled really good.
"Now wait to take off the blind fold, you can take it off when you hear the door and are hotel is right across the house" Drake said
"Ok but don't have to much fun and come back later" i said
"Ok" Carter said i heard the food steps fad away then i heard the door shut so i took off my blind fold and i looked around and the living room was filled with lite candles and rose peddles everywhere on the floor, i slowly looked around and i took it all in. Just then I saw Ms. Mary
"What are you doing here?" i asked
"Hear me out?" she said
"Ok" I said
"When we first met i purposely grabbed the same book and just made up a story why i wanted it because i wanted to talk to you, when i first saw you i just wanted to talk and never stop talking to. And when i found out your a student and i was your teacher i was disappointed because i really had a crush on you but when you kept ignoring the pull towards each other and i don't want to ignore it. When i saw you with another person i seriously want to throw them and be that person. And when you went on that date with Angie that just went though it but you don't know this when she put that blind fold on you she got me and switch me places she a close friend of mine and i was that person you where with and left that hickey and i don't want you to be mad at me for it. I really do care about you and i want you to be mine and i want to be called your and only your so please give me a chance?" she asked
"I know i don't want to ignore the feeling and i do have a crush on you and i thought by moving on and dating Angie i could forget about you but all i could think about is you the whole time. And I am glad you gave me that hickey I only want you you been on my mind costly since we meet. When I saw you with that girl at my fight i was beyond jealous that you weren't there with me" i said she took a step closer
"What are you saying, i know what your saying but i want you to say it out loud please" she asked
"Will you be mine? my girlfriend" I said
"Yes" she said and she came over and gave me a kiss with hunger like she was wanting it and it was amazing, i tired to deepen it but she pulled away
"Come on dinner waiting" she said and intertwine our figures and walked out to the balcony and i saw a romantic dinner waiting for us. We just got done eating and we walked in and cuddle on the couch about 10 minutes later we hear
"PLEASE BE DECENT" Drake yelled and they entered the house and walking into the living room
"So is it official" Carter asked and he looked at Ms. Mary
"Yes she mine and only mine" Ms. Mary said held me protectively
"You guys planned this?" i asked
"Yes they did sweet heart they helped me with this" Ms. Mary said
"Ms. Mary involving my friends?" i asked
"Yes and its Lira to you 3 after school or outside school" she said
"Thank you guys you both know how to do me whats best huh?" i said
"Yes we finally open your eyes, so now that we must know who gave you the hickey?" Drake asked and Lira just smirked
"I did, she went out with a close friend who is your sister Drake and we came up with a plan and it worked perfectly" she said we just kept talking but i got a ungood feeling we where being watch, but in a couple weeks i will get to see my mom and i can' wait for that.   

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