Chapter 20

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"You want to know why she pushing you away and took so long?" she asked
"If you don't mind?" i repled
"She pushes you away for is because some guy that apart in the family is trying to kill her" she said

"Why would someone want in the family want to kill her?" i asked
"Because she lesbian and there has never been one, and she the first one and so they want to kill her so no lesbain will be the family but i am doing everything to keep her away from them" she says
"Don't worry i will keep her as protected as i can" i said
"Thank you now go spend time with her" she says and gets up and leaves so i go to the stairs and walk up them and i try and look for her room i see a door open and so i slowly walk over to it making sure i am not heard by them
"What do you think guys? will she like it?" Raven asked
"She will love it, just like she loves you" Carter says
"She will be speechless" Drake says
"I was thinking of giving it to her when we get back but I am thinking new years eve" she says
"She will love it no matter what" Carter says
"Are you just going to stand there or come in Lira" Raven asked i wait for a couple minutes and i walk in and i see that them laying on her bed and looking at me which i felt in embarrassed, i just go sit by Raven and she pulls me to cuddle into her chest and i fall asleep in her arms.

Raven P.O.V

The last couple days have been great spending it with Carter, Drake, Lira, and my mom. Right now its Christmas eve and i making Lira and i stay awake because i knew she was listening so i lied about the date and she going get her present.
"Baby i am tired" she says with a pout on her face, i look at the clock and it finally midnight and christmas morning
"I want to give you this on Christmas,(hands her the box) and i hope you like it" i said she unwrapped the box and opened it and she lifted the teddy bear, she looked at me
"A teddy bear?" she asked
"Well it part one and that teddy bear represents me when i can't be there you can cuddle it and think of me" i said she smiled and i knew she hated it, but she wouldn't say it
"Look around the neck" i said she looked down and her eye's and they light up
"This is your real present" i said and i unhooked the necklace. the neck lace was a locket it with my and her photo in it from when we got together and a ring on it.
"Thank you i love it so much" she says and kisses me
"The ring is a promise that i will do my best to love you and never leave you, if i do leave then its a promise that i will come back for you but if you have to then move on and love someone else and i will be happy" i mumbled
"Raven, i could never love someone as much as i love you" she said
"Lets go to bed" i said
"Wait i want to give you yours" she said and held out a box to me so i took it and slowly opened it, and what i saw made me love her with all my heart
"These chimes are some stuff you love and this heart right here(points to the biggest) represents my love for you" she says and helps me put it on, and i kiss her
"Now lets go to bed" she says and takes my hand and we go inside and we go to sleep
(skip time where Raven and the guys come home)
"I am serious guys go see your families i will be fine for a couple days" i said and they left the house so i walked into the kitchen and grabbed the clothes and did laundry, i walked back into the kitchen and i went thought the mail. There was a envelope with my name so i opened it and slide everything out on the table and all there was like 2o pictures of Lira and I. I opened the letter


I finally found you and I am coming for you very soon, I also see you fell in love which I will use it against you. She is your weakness and if I can get to her then I can get to easy. Nothing is going to stop me this time, mom not around anymore that much and I can easily be in your house at any moment. If I was you I would watch your back and sleep with your eye's open

See you soon ~D

This can't be happening, i knew i shouldn't been in a relationship oh come on I knew what i had do
(Skip to Sunday before school)
I drove over to Lira place and when i arrived I sat there for a couple minutes trying to figure out how to tell her. I got out of my car and walked up to her door and I knocked on her door and when she finally opened the door
"Oh thank goodness your ok i was starting to worry about you like something happen, come in" she said and hugged me the tried pulling me in but i stayed put and started crying
"Raven what's wrong?" she asked i didn't say anything it was killing me that i had to do this
"Lira remember christmas morning?"i asked
"Yes?" she said
"Good keep all the good memories of us" i said
"Raven your scaring me" she says with worriness in her voice
"To be honest i am scaring me to plus tearing myself inside out" i said
"Why?" she asked
"Because I am breaking up with you" i said and ran out to my car and drove off with tears pooring down my face. I decided i am not going home ever but i have to face the fact i will be going to school with a broken heart.

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