Chapter 2: The Silver Key

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I look all around me and guess what I see. Nothing. I guess I'm getting paranoid ever since I got this curse, but then I saw something on the floor. It shimmered as a ray of sunshine touched its shining silver. I slowly roll off my covers and the silver part lured me in and I can't stop walking toward it. I then noticed it was a silver key. But, the real thing that surprised me was that my name was engraved in the body of the key.Then I saw tiny letters engraved in it under my name. I picked the key up and read the tiny letters. It said:

'"Behold this key for this will unlock all your mysteries.

Search for the one with eyes that could see what you can't see."

This made no sense, but I guess I should keep this strange key. I quickly put the key onto my charm bracelet, then go out for breakfast.


As I await for my food I decided to change and brush my teeth. I slip on my knee-length lace dress and walked to my bathroom. Why should dress so cheerfully when I'm gonna die? I ask myself so drearily as I started to brush my teeth.

Later on, I spot Adam. Gosh, I so I kill him now even if he said sorry a million times.

"Adam, can you come to my room later? I ask him sweetly.

"Did you change your mind about killing me?" he hopes. "Please let it be true," he begged and maybe cried a bit, but I won't let him off that easily for almost killing me. At least he knows I am not a wimp.

"No," I reply then skipped off to my twin friends, Joseph and Julie's house.  I gotta some fun before I leave this world. As I wait before this door I felt something bad might happen. I quickly get of the thought as I see Melanie or Mei, their little sister, open the door.

"Sorry we cannot donate.... Oh it's you, Alexa(Her name for me) come in," Mei gestured me in and walked toward Joseph. "Here's your girlfriend. Your welcome and please leave at peace with my dollies," Mei informed then left the room.

"Sorry about Mei. She's a bit cranky since Julie went to Canada." he said as he read his book. "Anyway what do you want to do. Julie's not here to talk to you about girl stuff," he informed as he jumped onto the couch. "Don't know, Julie always makes up great things to do. May as well say hi to the new neighbors I keep hearing about. You want to come along?" I suggested. "Sure," he nodded then followed me out to the new neighbor's house.


I walk toward the front porch of the new neighbor's, the Silva's, house and before I knocked, a tall man with a fancy suit, opens the door.

"Yes miss? Are you lost?" the man asked in a strange accent I never heard before. I then explained I wanted to see the new neighbors. It was clearly obvious.

"They are inside. Please come in," the man laughed a little after I explained everything then switched back to his strict form. He carefully led his gloved hand toward a room that seems to be the living room, but it looked more like a nursery.

"I am sorry about the cushions and pillows, but the Silva's are aware to be safe and cautious to their daughter, who is blind," he informed us as he showed a girl about my age reading a braille book.

 "Sebastian, I can introduce myself," the girl spoke as she quickly turned the page and put her hand on the braille words. "Anyway, I'm Claire and you already know I'm blind. Sebastian go help mother with chores," she spoke her words and next thing we knew Sebastian's gone.

Claire sighs and asks non-enthusiastically,"What's your names?" It like she knows my name already, but doesn't want to show it. "I'm Joseph and this is Alexandra," Joseph spoke then smelled brownies. He then left me for the brownies as usual, so I was left alone with Claire.

"I sense bad things will happen to your sister," Claire closed her eyes then opened them slightly,"You may want to hurry up before your too late."

"What are you talking about? And I never told you I had a sister," I say, scared for some reason.

"I just know for some reason. Go before you cause pain for yourself," she says with a strange smile. I decide to do what she says and go to my house. I knock on the door, yet no one came. I noticed then that the door was open. I slowly open the door and hollered,"Hello? Anybody?" Then I saw something shocking, totally unbelievable, a stab in my heart.... and that is my sister, dead, right in front of me with a bullet in her heart.

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