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"So how does that sound for everyone?", the gorgeous teacher said standing at the room. He just finished explaining what we had to do for the book we had been reading.  We were writing a simple paper on weather or not we liked the book and I was pretty excited to write it. It was easy and I knew that I could get a good grade on it even if i didn't work that hard on it. It was a simple assignment that I was happy to do. 

Everyone in the classroom nodded and we got on with our work. Our teacher sat at his desk on his phone which was something he did a lot of the time. He did all of his grading quickly and on his own time so whenever he had finished the actual teaching part of class he just sat on his phone. What he did on his phone was a mystery to me but I always wondered. He would watch the class for a little bit or look up from his phone and watch someone before going back to typing. It made me wonder if he was writing about us or if he was just checking on the class. 

He was an attractive teacher and everyone knew it, hell, i even talked to harry about it, but there was something that stuck out about him. The majority of the time that he wasn't teaching he was very observant. I had seen him on campus watching the students, just watching, or like when he is on his phone and it seems like he is texting someone about us. Its an odd thing to watch him do and it makes me want to know him better. Is he just someone who likes to people watch or is there something more to it? I wanted to know my teacher better but I had no real reason too. There was a lot of girls who had clearly made advancements towards him and I didn't want to do the same things as them.

He was attractive but not attractive enough for me to get distracted in class or forget that I had the man of my dreams at home.

Somehow I had gotten caught up in my classwork and by the time I looked up my whole entire class was gone. the teacher had started walking up the isle and was coming to sit next to me.

"A little caught up are we?", he asked and I laughed a little. I told you already he was a complex very mysterious person but at the same time he made me nervous like there was something off about him.

"Yeah, I guess so", I said and I brought my paper into my folder and began to gather the rest of my things that i had spread across my desk.

"Are you done?"

"Almost", I said awkwardly. He was staring me down and I didn't know weather I should look up and make eye contact with him or just say goodbye and walk out.

"Can I ask you a question?", he said and just like any other time someone said those words I got immediately nervous. 


"Would you like to go out for coffee?", he said and my cheeks began to blush. 

"Oh I can't. I'm sorry I have a lot of homework to do and I'm sure my boyfriends wants me home", I said pilling lie on top of lie. I knew Harry probably wasn't even home and the only homework i had was for his class. It wasn't a big deal if I went out for coffee with him but I just didn't want to.

"Are you sure? I feel bad that you are so quiet in this class. A girl like you needs more friends", he said and I was automatically questioning his intentions. Did he genuinely want to have a friendship with me or was he trying to make a move? 

"I'm sure", I said," Maybe some other time."

"How about tomorrow?", he asked eagerly.

"Sure", I said giving him a fake smile and standing up. I hated that I had to say sure to him but I knew it was the only way I could get him off my back. In the back of my mind though i knew i wanted to go get coffee with him. I was curious about him and it excited me that I could get to know him better. If he tried to make a move on me though I would tell Harry just because it was something I never wanted to deal with and if he knew about my over protective boyfriend he would most likely leave me alone.

We said our goodbyes to each other and I bolted out of the room and to my car. The drive home got me thinking about my teacher but not in a positive way. The way he wanted to hang out with me and the way he said, " A girl like you needs more friends" was really off putting. I had no idea what he meant or why he had all of a sudden taken a liking to me. It made me nervous of his intentions. I feel like moving to a new place made me rather nervous about the intentions of people in general. 

When I got to our apartment complex I was thrilled to see Harry's car outside so I quickly walked inside. I missed Harry throughout the day and I could wait to throw myself into bed with him and just sleep. When I walked in the door, I was surprised to see May and Louis sitting next to each other on my couch. Holding hands. The last person I wanted my little sister getting involved with was someone who could murder people like Louis but there was no stopping her. She looked at him with such admiration I knew that she had to be in love with him. 

"Lana!", May said letting go of Louis hand and running over to hug me. I was surprised that she was here but I hugged her back because I did miss her. I tried to get Harry's attention and ask him what was going on and why these two people were here but he was deep in conversation with Louis. When she let go I immediately when to go sit on Harry's lap.

"What are they doing here?", I whispered in his ear but he ignored me.

"Yeah the business is going really well out there. We are making a really good impression on people and I'm really happy about it", Louis explained and Harry smiled and nodded at him.

"Well, I would love to invite you to stay for dinner but Lana and I have a rather busy night and I know you two must be very tired from all the traveling", Harry said using his most polite voice to get the two out of our home.

"Of course", Louis said just as politely," I will talk to the both of you tomorrow."

We all said our goodbyes to each other and walked the couple out of our place and down to their car. may ended up telling me that she was dating Louis but I couldn't do anything. I had to trust that Louis would be good to her and I had to give him the benefit of the doubt as a person. I had a million questions to ask harry and my anxiety levels were through the roof but I had to wait till we were back home.

"What the hell was that?", I asked and he gave me a confused look.

"I don't even know. He called me this morning and asked if him and May could visit and said he had something to tell us", he said and even he was nervous.

Louis was a professional as Harry told me and Harry believed that he would be able to do his job and move on but right now, I was questioning that. Louis seemed rather on edge when I went to go hug and by his body language and that worried me. Was he as professional as harry said and if he wasn't, was it going to affect us? I was worried about the possibilities at this point and I could tell harry was too. 

"Are you scared?"

"Yeah", he said bringing me into a hug then whispering into my ear," And I think you should be too."

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