twenty one

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i put on my favorite yoga pants and a hoodie for the day at harrys office. i was exciting to go to harrys work but i also just wanted to act normal and try to forget about how scared i was. i loved harrys office. it was one of the top floors of a beautiful building and had this view of the city and the mountians. i could sit and watch the clouds there for days. i wanted to forget but because of the beautiful view it was kind of a blessing.

i grabbed a purse and filled it full of things to make me feel better through out the day and things to keep me entertained. i brought some homework, my laptop, my favorite color book, a bunch of water, a blanket,and medicine.

"dont worry. i have this comfy couch in my office and you can nap their or cuddle up and stay warm, whatever you want", harry said with a smile. i knew that harry was freaking out on the inside but he was doing his best to make me feel more comfortable. harry wanted me to feel safe and loved and i admired that in him. he really did whatever it took to make me feel all those things. i never had that many people do that for me in my life.

harry worked rather close to our home and there were a lot of days where he just walked to work but today wasnt one of those days. he put on one of his suits and we drove to his office. i would have preferred walking to harry's office but i completely understood why he wanted us to drive. it was safer this way. 

the people that harry worked with never ceased to amaze me and make me the slightest bit jealous. weather we were in california or colorado like we are now the people harry worked with and surronded himself with were the most beautiful people. they had chiseled faces and bright eyes, slender bodies. they were silent and diligent in their work. harry had made them all the way of course but they had become very good at it. harry was particular in his work and if the people around him didnt share the same aspirations as him or the same worth ethic or even at times the same beauty as him, he wouldnt work with them.

i had always been jealous of the beautiful women that harry surronded himself with in his office. they were with him all the time and they were beautiful. i was with him a lot and i would like to think i was beautiful too but not on the levels of these girls. these were model type girls, these girls were more beautiful than me in every aspect of it. i wished i could look like the girls in his office and it worried me that harry loved the girls he worked with more than me. when we first started dating i was terrified of these beautiful women in his office because they were like competition to me.

in my mind how could harry resist all these beautiful women. i thought about how they must flirt with him all the time and how harry must be flirting back but he was never like that. harry and i became close when i was young and i knew him as a friend and someone i occasionaly flirted with. i never knew what he was like in a relationship or with lovers. so, when we started dating i had to learn a more affectionate, flirtatious side of him which i liked but it scared me. if he was like that with me was he like that with other women? i eventually learned that harry was probably the most loyal man alive and all the girls that he worked with were barely aloud to talk to him unless it was buisness related. 

i watched harry as he feverishly typed at his computer. i was sat on the couch and i shouldve been doing the same thing but i wasnt. i had an essay that was due within the next week and i hadnt even started it. i was a good easy writer but i didnt like doing the work. i thought i was so good that i just procrastinated and did mediocre work. i got good grades on the mediocre essays no matter what but i knew i could do better. 

i was online shopping instead and i knew that was stupid. there was so much going on in my life and instead of taking things head on, i was avoiding it all. i should be doing my school work or at least relaxing so that i started feeling better but no. i felt like online shopping was the right thing to do. i was rather drowsy though so i turned my laptop off and set it on the glass table in front of me. i pulled out my blanket from my purse and started to get comfortable.

"sleepy?", harry asked peeking around from his computer and watched me. i nodded and he went back to typing.

"i'll have lunch hear waiting for you when  you wake up, baby girl. sleep well", harry said walking over and kissing me on the forehead before going back to his work. i closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. i had so much on my mind that it felt like i never could sleep again. the thoughts of all the crazy things that had been happening were taking over my life. i had a habit of dwelling on things like this. the only i was going to be able to fall asleep was if i was with harry or if i focused on my breathing. 

right when i was about to fall asleep i heard the ding of my phone and my eyes burst open. i wouldnt have woken up from my almost sleep if it was just a text, but it wasnt the text tone it was an email. i sat up and harry looked at me rather confused.

"that was an email, harry. its them, i never get emails", i said and he came and sat next to me. 

"we need to check it."

i grabbed my phone from my purse and unlocked it going to the blue email app on my phone. i was nervous. last time i was checking my email just to check my email. it wasnt a stressful experience at all, it was just something i did to pass the time. this time i was worried, i didnt want to see whatever the man or woman had to say. 

just like i had expected the email was from the user i had expected. 

good girl.

you told your boy about what i said, im glad you did that. trust me it is a lot safer that way. 

im sorry that you arent feeling well, its really tragic. bad timing. i would really hate to get sick at a time like this . hopefully you start feeling better soon. i told you to go out and live normally but because of these circumstances you can take some time to feel better. dont drag it out though.

so the nexts steps might be a little harder.. a little more detailed i guess. im going to need you and your boy to do some things for me. im pretty sure that you know that i know what you all did. i am emailing you and its like black mail. if you dont follow each and every step of what i am telling you, EVERYTHING will be out in the open and you two will be separated from each other. 

i am asking that you and your boy come to the address i'll be sending in my next email... the three of us will have a meeting, i guess thats what you could call it. a meeting, i will also ask that the two of you bring cash, and a lot of it if you want to get out of trouble. money is the key to my happiness. 

sorry to be such a fright but i can assure you, child, there is nothing to worry about. harry is smart and i guess you are too, lana so im sure trouble wont come your way. 


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