Chapter 1

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A young brown haired witch stood at the entrance to Hogwarts. Her Gryffindor robes were flowing slightly behind her as she looked up at the castle. Not a minute later a young black haired witch with striking green eyes joined her, wrapping an arm around the younger girls waist.

"Happy to be back, Camz?" The Slytherin asked grinning down at the Gryffindor

Camila sighed and turned toward Lauren.

"I'm always glad to be back with yo-"

"WASSUP YOU YOU LITTLE FUCKERS?" An Irish accent accent rang out and Camila sighed pressing her nose deeper into Lauren's chest

"God damn it Kenzie" The heir of Gryffindor muttered as a small blonde girl in red and gold robes walked up to them grinning impossibly wide. 

"So how was your summer Kenzie?" Lauren giggled pulling Camila closer to her.

"Probably not as good as yours" Kenzie winked and Camila pulled away from Lauren to tell Kenzie that her and Lauren did nothing inappropriate when a handsome boy dressed in Ravenclaw robes walked pasted the trio.

"Don't mind if I do..." Kenzie smirked following the Ravenclaw boy into the castle.

Camila shook her head and turned to Lauren smiling.

"Come on Camz... Let's get out of the cold." Lauren said grabbing Camila's hand and leading her into the castle.


Lauren was walking with Camila and their friend Santana to the library to met up with the rest of the gang when Ally jumped out in front of them.

"Lauren! I found a leaf! It's red!" The Hufflepuff yelled taking a leaf out of her pocket and giving it to Lauren.

"Thank you Ally..." Lauren said trailing off

"OH! And I found a new friend!" Ally said and Santana rolled her dark eyes crossing her arms.

"What are you? Stupid or something?" Santana said looking Ally up and down in disgust.

"I am Ally Brooke Hernandez." Ally said and then clapped her hands.

"Ally... Where is this 'friend' of yours?" Lauren said using making the quotation mark sign with her fingers.

"Hmm.... She's trying to find her cat. She lost him" Ally said and not 10 seconds later a very tall blonde with big blue eyes in Hufflepuff robes walked towards them holding a large cat in her arms.

"Ally I found Lord Tubbington- oh.... Hi fellow Hogwartians" The girl said looking at the three Latinas.

"Lauren... Camila... Other Camila... This is my friend Brittany S. Pierce" Ally said and Santana suddenly perked up.

"Uh... Hey Brittany... I'm Santana" Santana said smiling widely and sticking her hand out for the blonde to shake.

Lauren looked at Santana like she had grown three heads. She had never in the 10 years she'd known the girl, ever seen her act like this with any other person.

Brittany smiled and shifted the big cat into one arm as she reached out and shook Santana's hand. As soon as their hands touched, both of them stiffened and looked at each other wide-eyed. Lauren watched the interaction curiously and then smirked when she realized what was happening.

"Hey Brittany! Why don't you come with us to the library? We are meeting up with some of our friends and I think they'd like you." Lauren offered and Santana turned an gave her friend a death glare. Camila suddenly looked confused and Lauren saw this and bent over and whispered her observations into the younger girl's ear and Camila suddenly brightened.

Another Year, Another Wizard (Sequel to The Adventures of 5 Young Wizards)Where stories live. Discover now