Chapter 4

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(Just some unholy trinity!hogwarts for y'all)


"Alright class! Sit down please!" A young professor with blue hair said rushing into the room just as the bell chimed.

The class went silent and the young professor went up to the front of the room.

"Professor Lovato?" A young blonde with her red and gold tie untidily done and her hair in a messy bun called out raising her hand high in the air.

"Yes Miss O'Donnell?" Professor Demi Lovato said not looking up from unpacking her bag of school supplies.

"I'd like to get my Basilisk into your Chamber of Secrets" Kenzie said smirking and Santana Lopez who was sitting next to the small girl scoffed and kicked her leg under the table.

"Does detention sound like fun for you tonight Miss O'Donnell" Professor Lovato asked raising an eyebrow.

"Demi, one night with me and they'll be calling you Moaning Myrtle" Kenzie flirted with the young professor.

"Alright that's it... Detention tonight, 4 hours" Professor Lovato announced and Kenzie grinned mischievously .

Suddenly, a kicked to the back of her chair made her squeak out in surprise. Kenzie turned in her chair to find a pissed off Lauren Jauregui.

"Kenzie! We're going to spy on Brooke and Albus tonight! You can't bail!" Lauren hissed and Kenzie looked at Lauren apologetically.

"Sorry Lauren. My woman has summoned me." Kenzie replied sadly and Santana laughed sarcastically.

"Miss O'Potato you couldn't get with that sexy motherfucker when if your life depended on it." Santana said blatantly checking out the professors ass as she bent over to talk to Finn Hudson.

"So many lesbians in this class" Quinn Fabray muttered from the seat over from Santana and Kenzie's table.

"Says you! You're the one fucking Berry!" Santana exclaimed 

"That's not true" Quinn mumbled unconvincing and Santana smirked.

"Kenzie who's going to go with me and Camila now?!" Lauren demanded glaring at the girl.

"Take Santan!" Kenzie exclaimed annoyed

"I'd rather hang out with Ally" Santana claimed and Allyson Brooke Hernandez perked up from her seat in front of Quinn,

"You want to come on my date with Troy then?" Ally asked excitedly clapping her hands and looking at Santana happily.

"Why don't you understand that I don't like you?!" Santana hissed and Ally laughed

"You're funny! I'll pick you at 6 o'clock, you can bring Brittany too if you'd like." Ally said and Santana looked at her confused.

"Why would I want to bring  Brittany?" Santana asked and Ally laughed again.

"You two are dating silly!" All said laughing and waving Santana off with her hand before turning bac around to do her work.

"Me and Brittany aren't dating! Did you tell Ally we were dating?!" Santana asked Lauren angrily.

"No, but Ally is kind of Psychic... She thought me and Camila, Albus and Brooke and Dinah and Normani were all dating before we did." Lauren said shrugging.

"Yeah... That's just her telling you that you and Brittany will get together and make Brittana babies" Kenzie asked not looking up from picking at her nails.

"What's a Brittana?" Santana asked 

"Brittany and Santana put together. I have a lot of free time on my hands" Kenzie said shrugging 

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