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Darkness breaks free of it's curse, as the gentle night breeze sings a song through the trees. Suddenly, shattering of leaves, stumping of feets, sounds like a vampires chase..

Panting with fear and their hearts beating like drums;

"Run! Run! Into the tunnel"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I know this path more than anyone , I grew up here remember?"

"Yeah, what now? We ain't got time Cyprus and his gang of vamps are closing in on us, we need a diversion..." frantically, looking around, paranoid.

Three weeks before,

at Lord Drake's castle

"My child you have returned" His father say's.

"Yes father, what thrill we had, I and Cyprus".

His father turnt to look at the door quickly before shifting his gaze back to his son

"I see you had fun but now we must speak of more pressing issues. The news of the Moon Stone re-surfacing the earth has reached my ears and I have long awaited this day" He turns his gaze to Kara "Kara i put you in-charge of this mission" A loud cry could be heard from Cyprus and all eyes fell on him,

"But father I have trained all my life and i am more skilled than Kara, i deserve this mission".

"Silence! do not question my decision or you will not live to see another day" Lord Drake shouts with anger.

"I am sorry father" Cyprus says before walking away.

"You will see it through with perfection." Lord Drake said to his daughter, Kara

"Father it is with great pleasure that your favour has fallen upon me, what is it you demand from me".

"I want you to retrieve the stone and bring it back to me and only then shall we truly live forever!"

"As you wish"

Just as Kara was leaving the room, her father called out to her making her pause, "Do not disappoint me, there are consequences that follow failure"

Johnny walks in to school and is given quite a heroes welcome after last night's football victory.

"Hey there Johnny, gosh you were amazing last night! That was the the fastest punt return i have ever seen in my whole fucking life!" Frank says walking beside Johnny.

"Please enough of the praises Frank" Johnny was saying to his best friend.

"I gotta get to class" Frank had carried on walking but Johnny had stopped in his tracks his eyes spotted a very curte girl stood in the doorway. She had dark brown hair, an upright posture but her head was bent down. She wore a long dress that went down to her sheen with long black leather boots. She was indeed beautiful and had caught his eyes, turning to Frank he asked "Who's that girl?"

"which one Johnny? I don't know, I know a lot of girls around herebut not all " Frank says, getting annoyed that they werent moving.

"The one with the really long dress and dark brown hair?"

"Oh! that one she just moved to our Biology class, her name is Kara! please don't tell me that mister super baller has a crush?" Frank was teasing Johnny by now and Johnny was to make him pay.

"Shut up, i'll go say hi" Quickly walking up to her to match her pace, he intercepted her going in-front of her to get her attention.

"Hello there, I don't know if you know me i'" He was Interrupted by Kara.

"I know who you are, Johnny right?" He was shocked and amazed so he asked

"How did you know?"

"Gosh! You won the game yesterday, Duhh! Your like famous now excuse i've got a class."

With a little smile but harsh look on her face and her eyes slightly meeting with his, she walked away leaving him to day dream. Frank was walking up to him and when he got to where Johnny was stood he hit him on the head.

"Dude! come of it or were gonna be late to class." Frank says, dragging his best frind down the hall.

"Sorry, lets go." Johnny said, walking normally.

Biology class

"Frank?" Johnny asks.

"Yeah what? I'm a bit busy over here trying to open a dead Frog! Speak fast".

"Do you think I should ask her to be my Lab-partner, she's awfully lonely".

"Dude! you like her don't you?"

"No I don't, just trying to help out".

"Do what you want ain't my problem, but if you like her , which you do! Ask her out" Nervously walking up to her he said,

"Hey, you need any help?"

"Get the teasing needles please?

"yeah sure. I was wondering coul.."

"Yes we can be Lab partners, I overheard you and your friend talking about it".

"Yeah that.wait, how we're like way over there"

The bell goes and Kara packs up her stuff and leaves.

"Kara wait!" He shouts, running after her.

When she turned around he said,

"Umm you left this behind"

With a smile she took her pen back and said,

"Oh! that's my lucky pen thanks. You hungry?"

Knowing quite well he was hungry but couldn't pass the opportunity he answered,

"yeah sure why not."

At the Restaurant

Johnny and Kara talk for a while. Sat at the table, Johnny calls out,

"Waiter" Then he looks at Kara and asks

"So what you having Kara?"

"I'll have chips and vinegar, i'm vegetarian."

"Really I'm a vegetarian too and i'll have what she's having. Both Kara and Johnny had a similar look on their face; A look that said they were lying.

"Where are from Kara?" Johnny asks, trying to ease away the tension.

"I'm from Pennsylvania, I moved to Forks two years ago with my family, how about you Johnny?"

I've lived here all my life it's quite a nice town"

He was absoloutely nervous because he knew he wanted to say something, Kara knew something was bothering him and she knew then that she had found someone special.

"Is there something on your mind Johnny?"

He replied with his voice cracking "Ummm there's a movie showing tomorrow and if your free, i was wondering if you would want to watch it with me?"

"Yeah sure, so is this like a date?"

"If you say so." Okay then i'll see you tomorrow by 7pm"

"Yeah by seven."

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