The Date

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Two weeks and four days before

Johnny's lunch with Kara proved successful in his attempt to win her heart and after getting asked on a date by Johnny, Kara has been slightly distracted from her mission. Mean while Johnny is about to get his new mission....

(Calling Frank)

Johnny: "Frank, I Did it and we're going to the movies tomorrow"

Frank: "Who, me and you?, because i'll be so happy"

Johnny: "No! not you, I mean Kara we're going on a date to the movies tomorrow"

Frank: "Oh, someone has hit the hot stuff so what did you say, because there's this girl that i was trying to persuade to go out with me so I need your help"

Johnny: "See it's like she can read minds or something. I really didn't say anything, sorry can't be of much help"

Frank: "Alright dude. I'll see you tomorrow then"

Johnny: "Kool bro."

While celebrating his glorious up coming date. Johnny hears a loud call of his name

"Johnny! Johnny! Open up"  Opening up his window to see his brother, Tom.

"What is it?"  Johnny and Tom are nothing alike, in both looks and personality.

Tom is enormously Jealous that Johnny is most favoured by his father and are not the closest of brothers.

"Father summons you and he seems to favour you over me once more".

"Brother your Jealousy increases every single day".

"That's because you don't deserve it"

Johnny and Tom arrived at their Father's office and walked straight in to be greeted with pictures everywhere.

"Stop fighting, you two. I have an important issue to discuss with you two"  With a voice full of authority he said "Listen and listen carefully. The Moon Stone has resurfaced the earth and i intend to find it".

"Father is this the Moon Stone that gives us the power to have a hundred percentage control of our shifting? "

"Yes my son and you and your brother shall retrieve it for me, for us. Do not forget that Lord Drake will have his best of vampires on this job; You shall work as a team with your brother and take the strongest of werewolves from this pack to get it. Let nothing get in your way".

"As you wish father"

(Two weeks three days before : The date

Kara's chamber

Drake's castle)

Kara is secretly preparing for her movie date with Johnny when suddenly someone opens the door calling out Kara's name, it's her aunt Katherina.

Katherina is a four hundred year old vampire who is the younger sister of Lord Drake. "Kara why are you all dressed up, where are you going?" With shakiness and fear,

she quickly said "for a walk aunt".

Saying to her fully knowing she was lying she said to Kara "I'll take you to your Father this instance if you don't tell me the truth".

With fear and relief she replied : "I'm sorry, I was asked out on a date by a guy and we're going to the movies, dad won't let me go so i decided to sneak out"  Kathrina's reply was not expected as she said whispering: "Why didn't you say so, daddy doesn't have to know. Come let me help you"

With amusement Kara said "I thought you were mad at me for lying?".

"Yeah i was but when it has to do with love I can always keep it between us, okay?"


"Now go get that boy of yours ".

"Thanks Aunt Katherina, your the best"

Jumping out from the window with the help of her vampire powers she fled the castle.

(At the Volkrov castle

Johnny goes to his Mother for help)

Walking down the hall way, Johnny was looking for his mum. Finding her he said whispering,

"Mum I need your help".

Pulling her into his room to avoid anyone listening in on his escape plan.

"Mum I need your help".

Taking his arm off her wrist she said to him "Easy on the wrist, why do you need me and why are you all dressed up, where are you going?"

"Mum, i meet a girl and i'm sort of going on a movie date with her and i need to to stall for me with Dad, please".

"Okay wait, you met a really hot girl and you didn't tell me?" 

"Mum i'm running late please do me this one favour"

With slight reluctance she replied,

"I'll do my best, now go" running through the hall way he bumbed into his brother.

"Where are you off to" His brother sneered.

"Please don't tell Father i've got a date i gotta go" slowly opening the door he left.

Tom saw an opportunity to take charge and he capitalised on it,

"We'll see who leads the mission after Father hears this, Hahaha...."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2012 ⏰

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