Chapter XV

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• Cassius Point Of View •

[Unedited - 100% have not read over] 

A/N: By the way, any quote by WWGEO or without a name I just whipped out of my ass.

"We will still be human. Just a more advanced species of human," Gregory Whinston, WWGEO Leader.

It had been a week since the pack last felt their Alpha Female's presence. Cassius had stayed locked in his office. The only person to see him all week was his Beta, Cash.

"You're an idiot. I hope you realise that," Cash stated as he kicked his feet up onto a chair across from where he sat, making himself comfortable. Cassius growled in response. No one had the right to speak to him like that, yet he let it slide. Cash had long ago proved himself worthy of his title and was the only person Cassius would consider a friend.

"It's what she wanted," he grumbled in reply, trying his utmost to study on the papers in front of him. He found his concentration had wavered considerably this past week. He just couldn't seem to take his mind off of her. Wondering if she was alright, or if she was thinking about him also. He doubted it.

Cassius' demeanour had changed drastically since she left. His eyes, hollow and rimmed with dark circles had lost their life. His posture no longer egotistically straight and his fuse even shorter than before - if that were even possible.

He would never admit it but her missing presence had crushed him. He hated how he suddenly depended on her to keep him going. It was a weakness father would never have accepted.

"No. She wanted you to fight for her! Don't you get it? What she wanted was for you to need her, to beg for her to stay. Instead you just let her go as if she meant nothing to you," Cash had dropped his feet from the adjacent chair and was now leaning forward, elbows on knees as he leant over the desk, staring at Cassius who sat on the opposite end.

"She doesn't mean anything to me," he stated, although it was as if he were trying to convince himself.

Cash chuckled. "Now we both know that isn't true," he stated. Cassius just shrugged in response, shoving the papers aside in frustration. Stupid girl. He thought to himself. If only he could focus his mind for a few minutes.

Giving up completely, Cassius rose from his chair. His large body, although broken inside, still possessed a mind crushing dominance that seemed to suffocate every corner of the room. Cash flinched back at the power as Cassius walked by. It seemed, losing Celia caused him to lose control over himself.

As Cassius stepped out of his office he heard Cash gasp mockingly in shock. "You mean you can leave this room? For a second I thought you were trapped in here," he stood up and chased after his Alpha in curiosity. It was the first time all week he had left the small, dark office.

The brightness of his flat was blinding. Squinting away the pain, he rushed through the flat and pushed open the front door, stumbling into the hall. The steps trembled under his weight as he stomped down them. His wolf was pressing for release, his anger diminishing his patience as his mind continuously forced his thoughts in Celia's direction.

The anxiety of not being able to sense her presence, of not knowing if she was safe was tearing at his sanity, ripping it apart in large chunks and breaking down the walls he tried so hard to build. I don't care about her, he thought to himself as he made his way into the open vastness of his territory.

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