Chapter XXVII

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Chapter XXVII


***      Little note: So as I said previously Alpha males are born and Alpha females are made. This means that if the Alpha's of a pack die or leave or whatever, it is a female that steps in and becomes an Alpha. And that pack will not have an Alpha male until the Alpha female gives birth to a boy. This also means only females can become an Alpha by killing their Alpha male/female (but only if both original Alpha's are dead). And if a pack was to be made, unless it was made by a male with Alpha blood, the first leader will ALWAYS be female... just thought I would clear that up. Thank you for reading :)          ***

"It is impossible to go through life without trust: that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all, oneself." – Graham Greene

"Who is she again?" It must have been the third time Celia asked.

"Imara is the leader of a group of rogues near our territory. She wants to turn her group into a pack and we are going to help her," Celia nodded as the two of them stood in a clearing made of loose stones, upturned dirt and dead shrubbery. She hadn't been to this part of the territory before, it was so far away from the main building that they had to run in wolf form to get here.

The place felt isolated, no one resided on this side of the dam and Cassius had explained it was used for hunting grounds only. Celia felt surprisingly comforted by the undisturbed forest that surrounded them. If she had known of it earlier she may have spent some time getting to know this part of the territory. She didn't doubt that she would use this place as a getaway from now on.

Birds chirped happily in the trees above them, giving the silence a comforting feel. It was one of the first times Celia had ever felt content in a silence with Cassius. It was calming, knowing another person was there but not feeling the need to break some awkward barrier by stumbling over words she didn't really want to say in the first place. 

"I could definitely get used to this kind of silence," she thought to herself as she shut her eyes, trying to feel the thin rays of sun on her face as they fought indefinitely to get past the trees barricade.

Celia could feel the gentle hum of the territory border crawl up her spine as they waited patiently for Imara to arrive. Cassius leaned against a half rotted gum tree, impatiently tapping a thick stick against the ground. Although his features displayed annoyance at Imara's lack of punctuality, Celia also noticed a casual confidence in his leaning body. It seemed to be smothering the air that surrounded him. She couldn't possibly understand how someone could be so confident when this was their only chance at getting the numbers they needed.

"Cassius," a voice surprisingly deep for its female tones rang through the thick forest lands. Celia scanned the area past territory lines until she saw a figure pushing their way through the undergrowth.

"I'm amazed!" Imara exclaimed as she stepped into the undergrowth. Her dark blonde dreads were tied into a thick knot upon her head, confidently showing off a thick scar that ran across her temple from her eyebrow before disappearing into the thick mess that covered her scalp. She was tall. Taller than Celia, which for some reason made her uncomfortable... probably because she often didn't meet girls that towered over her. Though, unlike Celia's slender frame Imara's body screamed a life of hardship. Her browned skin stretched smoothly over the planes of muscle that could be seen in her arms and thighs. Her eyes, large and so dark they seemed black carried a wariness that betrayed the relaxed form of her body. On anyone else they would have been described as doe like; beautiful, big and colourless. But Imara seemed to have found a way to strip them of any innocence they may have once possessed.

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