How To Go Back To Normal

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In the morning after they got their breakfast,All of them went to the meeting room and talks on what happened to D.o.,Luhan & Baekhyun.

The kings and queens revealed that it happeneds to them before,Tao,Xiumin and Lay turn into girls before and they return back to normal after giving birth.Kris,Chen,Suho,Tao,Xiumin and Lay found out that the fairy did it cause they found a book which is the solution to their problem.There are 6 steps on how they will return back to normal.

First,they must be married to the person thats meant for each other and get the fairy's blessing.Second,they should get married on the 8th day so the effect will workThird,they must "make love" after the weddingFourth,wait for the baby/babies to comeoutFifth,its either one baby or 2 babiesand lastly6th,while giving birth,their husbands must be on their sideOfcourse,there is an effect,if they dont do it,they will stuck at being a girl forever.

So they quickly arrange their marriage.The marriage will be held exactly on the 8th day.They have start preparing everything and today counts as the first day.The next day is they went to the dress maker to make gowns and tuxedos for them.

On the 5th day is they went to the heart of the forest to get the fairy's do that,they must go to the Dark Woods to test if theyre worth to see the fairy or notthen they must go across the Love Tunnel to test if their love is powerful than any trials and finalythey must go inside the Cave of War and Love to test how strong their love for each other.

Not all can pass through the dark woods,only those who have faith,trust and loves God shall made it to the next side of the woods safely and unharmed.If you dont,you will see the creepy creatures that will gave you too much trauma and youwill go back to where the entrance of the dark woods is.The princes and the princesses went to the entrance of dark woods.

They all put their trust on God and walk hand-in-hand with each other.Their faith to God and determination to see the fairy gave them light on the dark woods thats why they across on it easily.Next is they must go through the Love Tunnel,they can only enter by pair so each went in by pair.

The gate of the Love Tunnel is in heart shape.It will only open if the couple is standing infront.It will automatically close once the couple is inside and it will only open if the couple made it to the other side or the couple is thrown back to the entrance of dark woods.

The first one who went in is Kai and D.o.Sehun,Luhan,Baekhyun and Chanyeol sits there and hope that Kai and D.o. will make it."Kai,you wont leave me right?" D.o said"Ofcourse not,I love you D.o. I cant leave without you" Kai said as he kissed D.o's lips.The two continue their journey inside.They passed all the trials given inside.They were on the last trial,the floor was starting to wreck into two. "Kai!Im scared." D.o said Kai automatically hug him and said "Dont be,Im here ill protect you."

Kai said.He and D.o. shared a sweet kiss while hugging each other.The floor stops wrecking and the exit door was open,Kai and D.o make it through.The two rest in there for awhile while waiting for the others.

The door where the others are opened again.Chanyeol and Baekhyun went in next.Chanyeol and Baekhyun was walking when they saw a sign that says "If two person are not bond,death shall welcome them." they noticed that the flatform theyre standing was getting smaller.

They had no choice but to hug and the flatform led them to the next area.The next area says "lets kiss until the rope is gone."They saw a kimchi spagetti on the table and eat it.One strand was connecting their lips.Chanyeol and Baekhyun blushes then starts to come closer to each other as the strand of spagetti becomes small.

They kissed after the strand is gone.Chanyeol and Baekhyun kissed each other like there's no tomorrow and a light appeared and led them in the exit. Chanyeol,D.o,Baekhyun and Kai was so happy that they passed the love tunnel and they sit there to wait for Luhan and Sehun.Luhan and Sehun saw the entrance open and they went in."Theyre waiting for us." Sehun said "We better do our best." Luhan said.The two walk inside and didnt notice anything strange.They saw a boat and went inside.There is a sign that said"Kiss me so I will start moving,do not stop until we reach the end of this river.No matter what happeneds,the kiss must not stop." So Luhan and Sehun went inside the boat and Sehun carefully lays down Luhan and starts kissing.

The boat was moving,the two keep kissing and between their kiss is they gather air."mmhh...." Luhan said while kissing."mmmmh....ahhh..." Sehun said.The hot long kiss lasted for 10 minutes.Sehun and Luhan was panthing when they got off. They reach their last destination.

The sign says "Whatever happeneds...dont let me go...if you of us will die." The ground began to shake and everything collapse. 

Sehun hugs Luhan and protected his precious love.The rocks was about to fall into Sehun but it didnt.The broken pieces go back together and the gate was opened that led them to their way out. Kai,D.o,Chanyeol and Baekhyun was glad to see Luhan and Sehun.They all went to a group hug and continue their journey to the cave of war and love.

The cave of war and love is the most difficult test.The said cave is a maze.You cannot go out unless your love is pure and strong.Nobody had made their way out of the cave,cause nobody found the right way who will lead them to the right path.The 3 pairs knows this fact.They still continue to go on even despite of the danger theyre going to face.

The 3 couples made through the love of conflict ride,doubtful trust bridge and the war for love ruins.They decided to rest for awhile.They rested for 10 minutes then they continued to walk.As they walk through like a path of no end,"Guys! look!" Chanyeol said."Whoah! a sign!" Kai said."What does it says?"D.o asks "Ith looks like a puzzel." 

"Can someone read it?" Baekhyun ask Luhan then comes forward and reads it. "you must be separate with your partner,even in the'll be able to find your beloved for true love wil find its way,even if you dont speak for you will feel it,kiss your beloved one and the way out will light up and guide you."

They did what it has been told by the sign.Each pair was scattered as soon as the cave became dark.Theyre not allowed to talk for they must find their love by using their feelings and senses.Each of them tries their best to find their partner.The first one to find their couple is Baekhyun & Chanyeol.The second one is Kai & D.o and lastly Sehun & Luhan.

They may not see each other but their heart tells them they have found the right person,so they automatically hug each other and kiss their partners.Soon enough,the dark cave was now shining like a rainbow.To their suprise,what the sign said was true,they cant believe it.

They follow their heart and found their beloved.They learn that even if you cant see each other,you can still feel them.They all made it out of the cave and saw what they came for,they saw the fairy's house and beg for its blessing.

They saw the path were it leads the house of the fairy.They went in and found the house.They knock on the door and the fairy automatically open the door and let them in.

The fairy knows that only people with kind hearted can go to her house successfully.The fairy blessed them and teleport them back.The 3 couples are very tiredso King Kris ordered some servants to look after the 6 princes.The princes eat,took a bath and sleep.

The kings and queens was happy that their sons are alright and safe.They let the princes sleep and the queens kissed their son's forehead and they all left and closethe door.

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