Mission Failed -> Mysterious Person, New Citizens

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Everyone from the other countries envy the EXO country because EXO country was a country where everyone was treated equally and had good rulers.Some of them tried to conquer EXO country but failed due to their strong alliance.They even tried to make each kingdom hate another in EXO country but they also failed cause all of the kingdoms are open to each other and if they had misunderstandings,they would simply talk about it and just let it be because theyre bondings are strong.The people from other countries blamed their monarchy for not leading their country well.The monarchy from othercountries gets angry because of this,thats why they were planning on sabotage the EXO country.

While everyone is busy,they didnt know that there's a mysterious person who enter the EXO country.That mysterious person started spreading wrong informations like"Queen Luhan and King Sehun are flirting the other kings and queens from other kingdom." "The Kings and Queens are corrupting the country." The mysterious person keep telling lies and he didnt gave up but no one believe the mysterious person for they all know that the Kings and Queens are not greedy and flirts.

They just ignore that person. The mysterious person could not believe it.The people in there doesnt believe it,now that mysterious person knows why EXO country was a strong and beautiful country,while he was walking a EXOnian bumped to him and say sorry and help him stand up.

He thought people will laugh at him but instead all of the people there show kindness and help him.He was hungry and he only had few money,he was starving and thirsty.

The new Kings and Queens were eating at a restaurant at that time and saw him,he was curled up into a ball,they bet that the mysterious person was hungry so they ask a guard to bring the mysterious person inside.

The mysterious person taught he was going to get drag outside the country,he was too weak to fight. The guard carried him bridal style and bring him inside the restaurant.It was a simple yet eye-catching restaurant. 

The mysterious person was shocked. The guard put the mysterious person on the chair gently,the Kings and Queens ordered foods and drink for him and payed it. The mysterious person was amused and thank the Kings and Queens. He also thank the guard,the guard smiled at him and said its nothing then he went back to eating.He expected that it was the same as his country,but he's wrong.

He could not believe that after what he did,EXOnians still help him and show hospitality.He decided to surrender himself for he cant bare to say more bad things to such nice people.

The mysterious person went to the EXO Castle where all the Kings and Queens meet and talk about things.The EXO Castle is located at the center of the country where the biggest plaza can be found.The mysterious went there and surrender. The mysterious person told the Kings and Queens that he told lies and try to make a problem.The Kings and Queens ask the mysterious person why he did that and he said"It was an order,I didnt really mean to do it,I was awed and amazed that the people here doesnt believe in such lies that easy.Please punish me if you want your majesties."

"No need stranger,you already confess and ask for forgiveness.Now,will you promise not to do it again?" King Kris said"Yes,I wont do it again your highness.Thank you! Its true what they said,the monarchy here is nice." the Mysterious person said. "Its nothing,we in EXO Kingdom vowedto forgive and forget just like what God did,by the way...who are you? Can you introduce yourself?" King Suho said

"I am Minho,your majesties,I came from the Hunter Kingdom." the mysterious person said."I see,you may go now if you want" King Chen said."I have no kingdom to return your majesties cause my mission is failed." Minho said "You may stay here if you want,but promise to be a good citizen." Queen Tao said"Hmm....is there something you can do? We might give you a position in the army" Queen Xiumin said "I am a hunter and assassin at the same time" Minho said

"Splendid!We already have a room for you here inside the castle" Queen Lay said and handed over the key to Minho and Minho bowed before them all while tearing up."Thank you...*sobs* nobody is this nice to me....I promise...no...I will do my best to serve this country.I will prove myself to all of you that Im worth it." Minho said while crying.

"Good,dont cry....be strong" King Kris said and handed Minho his handkerchief and Minho wipe his tears then thank all of them. Before Minho could go to his new room in his newcountry,The Kings and Queens introduced Minho to everyone and Minho received a warm welcome. Minho never imagine that he would received such a welcome,unlike in his former country,only the monarchies are being noticed while the low class were like a trash and was nothing but a slave.Minho now fully understands why other countries envy and wants to conquer EXO Country.Minho vowed to himself that he will protect Exo Country with all his life.He felt love in EXO Country and he feels special cause all of the people are friendly,nice andhospitable.

The monarchies in EXO Country was very nice and had golden hearts,for they treate people right and never let them feel that theyre just a low class and nothing but servants.

EXO Country is full of love,all shows real happiness & laughter.All of the EXOnians live their life to the fullest.Even though this isnt Minho's motherland,he loves it and to him its his newmotherland,for a new Minho was born,the Kings and Queens let him bring his family along with him and live in EXO countries.His former country give them away to EXO country and became EXOnians.Minho and his family was very happy to serve EXO Country,to them...EXO Country is a blessing and a paradise.

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