chapter 13

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"ok so im going on a date with a complete stranger?" sarah asks." not exactly, i cant tell you,"i say."heres your dress. have fun," i say handing her her the dress."thanks," she answers. she puts it on, it looks so beautiful on her. nialls gonna love this."what if i dont like him?" she asks."trust me you will," i say."but i love niall, i dont want another boyfriend to come along and break me just like he did," she says. i frown at her.


i walk into the candle-lit house. i cant see the face of the person."hello," i say."hey," the person replies."im sarah," i say."i know who you are," he says, it sounds like hes trying to do an impression of someone elses voice, so i wouldnt recignise him or something."and you are?" i ask."niall," he says. my heart sinks. i start cring."whats wrong?" he asks."im sorry its just, my x-boyfriends name is niall," i sob."and you still love him?" he asks."yes i do," i say realising how much i did actually love him."do you need a hug?" he asks."yes please," as soon as he puts his arms around me i feel safe, like i did when niall held me, he burries his face in my kneck, just like niall does, could this be niall? or just my imagination? he kisses me, just like niall. i pull away."whats wrong?" he asks, in his normal voice accidently."niall?" i ask."yes," he answers."you, you, you still love me?" i say slowly."yes," then why didnt you just tell me before?" i ask angrilly."because, for weeks, ive been planning this night, this perfect night," he says."well what happens next?" i ask. he stands up, and unzips my dress. i pull it off. he kisses me, undoing his belt. i unbutton his shirt. he kisses down my kneck. i run my fingers though his hair. he kisses my lips. and slowly flings my bra-strap undone. i take my arms out. he picks me up, i wrap my legs round his weist. he carries me into  my room and lays me down on my bed."are you sure you want to do this?" he asks."yeas im sure, i love you and thats all that matters," i say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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