Chapter Twenty

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The last chapter! But, don't worry, I'm incorporating Lizzie into season four of Glee!


Chapter Twenty

Lizzie's smile was wide, threatening laughter to come to her while she sang the classic showtun. For a little tribute to their last week of Glee Club, the orignal members, herself, Rachel, Artie, Kurt, Tina, and Mercedes, all decided to show them exactly what it was like the first week ever of Glee Club by performing their first number; Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat. Lizzie couldn't beleive that they remembered the moves, it felt so long ago since they performed this song. 

The six were able to pull it together for their final pose and note, holding it was they raised their arms up in the air. Once Brad cut the music off, the rest of the club appaulded, they all joined hands and went in for a bow, Lizzie putting her arm around Kurt as the two couldn't stop laughing at one another. Santana, of course, couldn't hold back.

"That was the worst musical number I have ever seen in my life." She did her best to hide her smile. 

"Well, Santana, we worked our way out of the basement level to the Penthouse. National Champs!'" Lizzie yelled as the rest of the orignal members appaulded and agreed.

Everyone was so busy laughing, they didn't even notice Mr. Schue writing the word 'GOODBYE' on the board until he turned towards the club. He gave a smile.

"This week's assignment is easy. Graduation is just a few days away, there's nothing left to prepare for..our work here is done." He smiled at the Seniors. "There's only one thing left to do; Say Goodbye. UnderClassmen, pick some songs to say goodbye to the Seniors...Seniors, vice versa."

Lizzie felt herself get emotion at the assignment, she couldn't believe it was all coming to an end. In Freshman year, she couldn't wait to Graduate, now she just wished it would slow down...just a little.  


"Man, I'm going to pick a song that's going to make Blaine cry so hard. I can't wait!"

Lizzie laughed as Nick locked his car, the two walking up their driveway to the front door. Once they opened the door, they could hear the chattering of familar voices, no surprise. Since last weekend, their grandparents and Aunt and Uncle have been staying with them, not wanting to miss the Graduation of their two youngest relatives. 

It was the new voice that threw Lizzie off, but a small smile appeared nonetheless when he walked out of the kitchen, Nick smiled widely.

"Joe! You made it!" 

Lizzie watched as the two hugged their 'bro' hug. She smiled, she and Joe have reconclied during his visit when Lizzie broke her  arm, but she was still learning how to act around him. He smiled at her, going into hug his little sister.

"ConGRADulations, Lizzie!"

She laughed, "Oh, Joe. You're such a cheeseball."

He let go of her, wiping his hand in the air in a bashful motion. Lizzie laughed, enjoying Joe as the Funny Guy.

"I can't beleive you two punks are gradauting." He looked between Nick and I. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Nick looked over at Lizzie, waiting for her response to the statement. She nodded, her own small smile on her face.

"Glad to have you here, Joe. Really."

And, for once, she was being genuine towards her older brother. Yeah, it felt good.

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