Chapter 14

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The pain had mostly subsided due to the painkillers, only a constant throbbing reminded John of his wounds. Some soap was on the telly, but the good doctor wasn’t paying attention to it. Though John looked at the screen, he only saw the flickering movement of the figures, too caught up in his own thoughts to listen to it.

Sherlock had flung himself onto the couch. At the beginning he had scoffed at the people on screen, making brickbat remarks and taking apart the plot and pointing out it flaws, even then Sherlock’s appalled incredulousness over all that dullness had been missing. Halfway through the show Sherlock had fallen silent and started to get fidgety, while practically staring a hole through John, who was sitting in his armchair.

This behavior wouldn’t alarm John, would it not be for the fact that something had been off about the consulting detective since he had come back from the kitchen. When Sherlock had given him a cup of tea, he had looked everywhere but at John.

It was quite possible that Sherlock heard what John had muttered when he had left the kitchen earlier and that thought made his stomach turn. The chance that Sherlock had figured everything out left John anxious, afraid that his feelings had been discovered and hence Sherlock’s weird behavior. He hadn’t said a single word to John during the last half hour. And John didn’t dare ask what was wrong. Why did he have to go and say something stupid like that?

When Sherlock had put his hand on John’s forehead he thought he might go into cardiac arrest. Over the time he’s lived with Sherlock, the consulting detective had often enough done the most unexpected things. And this action would definitely get on the list of such things, right next to Sherlock’s awkward hug in the basement.

He shifted uncomfortably in his armchair, grimacing when the wound on his leg made itself known despite the pain killers. It had been more than just difficult to get downstairs this morning without help, but John had managed somehow.

“Does it hurt much?” Sherlock’s question surprised John and he looked over to the figure lying on the couch.

“It’s alright, but I need to check the wounds. Disinfect them again” John pondered a moment over his next words. “Could you help me remove my pajama so I can take a look at them?” John didn’t really have any other choice than to ask Sherlock for help. The wounds needed to be checked. He’d rather avoid any infections. So for now John would just have to cling onto his hope that Sherlock hadn’t worked his attraction towards named consulting detective out. And if Sherlock didn’t decline, John could surely take it as a good sign.

Sherlock looked uncertain for a second, but as soon as the emotion crossed his features it was already gone. Maybe his fretting mind had just made it up.

Sherlock got up from the couch in one swift motion and strode over to the armchair, where he stopped in front of John. He got on his knees and suddenly John’s mouth was very dry. Opening it to say that he hadn’t meant for him to help him undress in the living room, John found that no words would come out. The sight of Sherlock kneeling in front of him offering too much material for his imagination.

“This would be a lot easier if you’d stand up, John” nodding, John stood up. This had been far easier yesterday, when he’d been too exhausted to care much about Sherlock helping him get out of his dirty and blood stained clothes. Trying hard to look everywhere but Sherlock as he pulled John’s pajama trousers down carefully, John regretted saying anything for the second time this day. And he couldn’t pinpoint when this had seemed like a good idea.

The thought of simply cutting his clothes seemed very appealing and a lot less dangerous. If only there was a reasonable excuse for this. But even if there was, coming up with one while Sherlock pulled his pants down and, holy shit, brushed with his knuckles accidentally over his skin, was an unsolvable task for John’s brain at the moment.

Breathe normally, John. Sherlock is simply helping you undress, no reason to picture him taking care of something else.

If these images continued to pop up uninvited like that John would no longer need to hide his attraction because the truth would be pointed out pretty much right in Sherlock’s face. Very literally so.

Missing Piece - BBC Sherlock (Johnlock) *finally completed*Where stories live. Discover now