Chapter 3

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The streetlight flickered as John walked by. The street was empty. Not a single soul had passed crossed his way for the past ten minutes or so. Muttering curses under his breath, John vented his anger on a stone, sending it flying ten meters ahead of him.

What did Sherlock think? Probably nothing, like he did so often. The oh so great consulting detective. Using his only tea pot for Christ's sake! Sure, John could still use it. Even if it had a human liver pickled in alcohol in it. He shivered in disgust. No. There was no way he would brew tea in it ever again. He didn't want to imagine what his beloved tea would taste like. He sighed in frustration. He shouldn't have reacted like that, but he had just snapped and couldn't stop himself.

Sherlock probably didn't even care. His sodding flat mate surely wasn't thinking too much of it and thought that John was overreacting.

To John this wasn't solely about the tea pot. He felt hurt and disappointed. It seemed as if Sherlock didn't care enough about him to stick to the few things John asked him to. What was he to Sherlock? Sure, Sherlock had told him that he was his friend. His only friend.

More than enough times John didn't feel as if Sherlock regarded him as such. John felt like some kind of pet. A dog maybe. Loyal. Following Sherlock everywhere without a second thought. Sometimes questioning him, but still following him and his orders. Letting it's owner ignore it after trying to get his attention and failing.

Yes. John nodded thoughtfully, feeling pathetical. That was exactly what he was to Sherlock. Far too often did Sherlock act without thinking about John's feelings.

 Squeezing his eyes shut tightly for a moment, John stood still as he tried to shake this hurtful thought off. That wasn't true. Sherlock was a self declared high functioning sociopath, so it was kind of understandable that he had some difficulties with treating John as a friend. How should he know how friends treated each other if he never had one before? John sighed again. He should go back.

A car stopped beside him and he looked at it frowning. It was an expensive looking car that didn't fit at all in this part of town. John resumed his walking, lost in thoughts once again as the doors of the car opened and two men jumped out. They were dressed in black, masks covering their faces. One pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.

Before John had even a chance to react, the man pulled the trigger.

Brown eyes, widened in shock and filled with horror slowly travelled down to where he was hit. Another shot fell. John staggered. John's looked at his chest. His body slumped down, his feet unable to carry its weight.

There were two big needles stuck in his chest. Some kind of sedative dart, John noticed relieved. His mind began to drift off as his vision became blurry and darkened. The initial relieve he had felt was replaced with terror and dismay as he realized what that meant.

They didn't want him dead. At least not yet. Strong arms grabbed him roughly and dragged him over to the car. John wanted to fight his attackers, but he couldn't move a single finger, no matter how hard he tried. His consciousness  slipped away.

They needed him for something.



dun dun dun....

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You enjoyed it? Well, I DID NOT ENJOY THIS CHAPTER, because

NONONONONONO! JAWN!!! NOOO!! I'm so sorry what have I done to you Q_Q was the first to figure the riddle out, shortly followed by DeviantArt. Hurray!!! 

You guys are still clueless? Let me give you a hint - these numbers all have something in common and I used the first 26 (well, not all of them) of their category.

Sherlock will solve it next chapter.

Until then!

Missing Piece - BBC Sherlock (Johnlock) *finally completed*Where stories live. Discover now