You Again

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-Hey guys. So this is a joint account of Nicolikinzx3 && uniiiqueee :) Hope you like it !


Toby’s P.O.V

My friends and I were currently sitting on my couch watching the game against the Gators and the Patriots. Earlier we made a bet, I knew the Gators were going to win so I wasn’t really afraid. The bet was if the Gators won they each had to push a random girl in a mall, and if Patriots won I had to do it, since I was the only one going for that team.

The game was currently almost finishing and the Gators were ahead by one point. Before the time finished the Patriots then scored leaving them both in a tie, then they had to do play another 5 minutes and see who scored. It was coming close to the end of the five minutes when the Patriots scored, bringing the crowd to applause. I groaned knowing what I had to do, since I lost.

I lazily started the car to drive to the mall and my friends were laughing at me. I drove to the nearest mall and we all went up to the second floor. All my friends sat inside a cafe waiting for the moment I push the random girl. I kept procrastinating, I bought a coffee and drank it slowly while eating muffin. Then my friends all murmured between themselves and told me to push the girl that was coming out of the book shop across the cafe.

I then got up slowly. “Do I seriously have to push the next girl?” I said, my voice tired.

“Yes, you have to. Deal is deal.” said Denis, my cocky friend.

I went out of the cafe with my coffee in hand. I slowly walked to the book shop, my legs dragging themselves on the sidewalk. I stop by the door and keep looking for a girl to come out. Then finally a girl came out and I pushed her hard without even looking at her and ran away.

Dani’s P.O.V

I look up on the tallest bookshelf looking for a good romance book.

“Ugh, I can’t see.” I look at Nicole who just muttered those words. I laugh when I see her trying to reach the top shelf.

“What are you laughing at Dani?” Nicole says trying to get taller on her tip toes. I picked out the book she was trying to reach and handed it to her, smiling.

I took a good look again at the books in front of me and finally found the kind of book I like. I walk through the aisles and walk to the cash register.

“I’m going out first, Nicole.” I said to Nicole after paying and walked out of the shop. It wasn’t even a minute after I get out of the shop when I’m shoved onto the floor.

I look up just in time to see a boy, roughly my age, running away. He quickly glanced back at me. Then the door to the shop opened and Nicole was standing above me.

“What happened? Why are you on the floor?” She asks helping me up.

“Some guy shoved me on the floor and ran away.” I say to her pointing at the boy running away. Nicole looks at me weirdly.

“Why would some guy shove you and run away? What did you do?” She stands on her toes to get a better view of him. I looked at the boy and he was going into the cafe across the book shop. Nicole then strutted her way to the cafe.

“Nicole? What are you doing?” I say catching up with her. She stopped in front of the table that the boy was sitting with his friends.

“Why did you push my friend? Apologise to her!” she said frowning. The boy stared at her with his blue eyes and his friends started laughing including the boy with brown fluffy hair. I groaned.

“Forget it.” I say looking at Nicole. “Why would you tell him to apologize? It was obviously an accident.”

“It wasn’t an accident.” said the boy with brown hair with a smirk on his face. Nicole glared at him and I rolled my eyes.

“Well, it was a bet. I’m sorry.” said the boy who pushed me. Now that I look at him he had a blond hair and he was kind of cute. I smile at him deviously. I wasn’t going to forgive him that easily.

“Thanks for apologizing. But...apology not accepted!” I said with a smirk on my face and walked away dragging Nicole along with me. I could hear the boy’s friends burst into laughter but I ignored it and kept walking.

Toby’s P.O.V

After the encounter at the cafe I got a call from my mother telling me to head home. That she had news for me. I said bye to my friends and drove back home, wondering what news mom was going to tell me.

I threw my car keys on the shelf and headed into the living room, where mom and dad were.

“I’m home. What news do you have to tell me?” I asked throwing myself on the couch.

“We’re moving to a new house.” said mom smiling. Moving to a new house?

“Why?” I ask sitting up on the couch.

“I got a new job offer closer to town, so you’re also going to switch school.” Mom says sitting down next to me on the couch. “Toby, this move will be good for you, it’ll help you make more friends.” I nod.

“Where are we moving?” I asked curiously.

“We’re moving just next to the new school you’re going to and it’s also only 10 minutes from my new job.” She says smiling.

“When are we moving?” Continuing my questions.

“Tomorrow morning, so pack your things tonight.” she said. I got up sighing.

“Why so soon?” I ask while looking down at her.

“I start tomorrow morning and you start your new school tomorrow too.” She says and I nod.

I went up to my room and lazily started packing my stuff. I then pack my clothes into my suitcase leaving an outfit for tomorrow morning. Then I went to help my mom pack up the rest of the house. Around midnight we were finished and we headed to sleep.

“Get up, Toby!” mom yelled at me. I groaned and lazily got up. I got dressed and helped her put the boxes in the truck. We headed to our new house after a quick breakfast. We decided  to unpack the boxes after we get home from school and job. I only unpacked the box with my school stuff. I took my backpack out and put it on my back. I then headed to school.

The school was really big and confusing. I asked few students and finally found the principle’s office. He welcomed me with a big smile and escorted me to my class.

“Yes?” said the teacher from the other side of the door when the principle knocked.

“Good luck on your first day.” said the principle and pushed me inside. I stumbled when he pushed me and all the eyes turned to me.

“Oh,,” the teacher paused and looked at his journal. “ah, Toby.”

“Thank you, sir.” I said smiling politely.

“Please, sit at the free table back there,” he pointed at the table at the very back. “beside Dani.” I nodded and walked to the table while looking at the girl, Dani, and I don’t know why but she looked so familiar. Where have I seen her before?

“Hi, I’m Toby.” I said smiling and sat down beside her. Hm, where have I seen her? Ah!

“You!” we both said pointing at each other at the same time.

You AgainWhere stories live. Discover now