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I held her there, against the metal seat in the boat, my hands clasp tightly around her throat, her legs kicking beneath my weight. Die you bitch, just die already. She had the look in her eyes of pure confused horror. The reality that the man she married the man she loved was now killing her, sunk deep with her, and took out any fight that she had left. I watched as her eyes grew dull, and muddy, the life light flickered for the last time as she grew ridged then dangled limp within my grasp. I let her body fall hard against the metal frame of the boat as I collapsed within its confines. I did it, I couldn't believe it either; she was gone. I tied two cinderblocks together with the ski rope and wrapped the remaining length around her legs then tied it tight. I looked around to see I was alone. The water was still there was no one, no wind, and no sounds as I set the blocks on her and rolled her body over the edge, watching as the paleness of her face disappeared into the dark water.

I returned to the house, Carrie was standing on the dock as I pulled up.

"What the hell are you doing here" I asked.

"I just wanted to see if you did it."

"I said I would didn't I?" I harped back.

"Oh my God. Did you, you did? Oh my God, I didn't think you really would" she said first gasping in horror then hugging my neck tight.

"That means we can be together." She said

"Yes in time, but you need to go, if anyone saw you this whole thing could blow up in our faces."

"Ok, I'm going. I love you!" she said kissing me deeply then running off toward her little sports car. I went to the house and called the police to report Melanie missing. She found out about Carrie and I yesterday, she had no idea how serious we were but threatened me with divorce and taking everything, the lake house the house in the city and the seven million that I had recently acquired from my father's passing. The police arrived within the hour and started searching the house for clues and taking my deposition. As far as anyone knew we were the perfect couple, happy and trouble free. As they searched I sat in the living room thinking of how smart I was. I looked out at the painting that hung gloriously over the fireplace. It was of the house and the lake and dock, Melanie had painted it herself. I thought of how ironically fitting it was of her final resting place. Then I noticed the boat wasn't in the painting, I was sure that the boat used to be in the painting. I figured I must be mistaken. An officer came into the living room and sat across from me and began asking the same series of questions I had been asked before. I was careful to answer each one the same. I glanced up at the painting and noticed the boat. The boat was in the painting, I could see it now. Why, the boat was out in the lake. It had been there all the time. There was a figure in the boat, I thought as I walked closer to the painting. Was that me, did Melanie paint me in the boat? When? Stay focused I said to myself as the officer kept on with his questions.

"No I do not have any idea where she could be I answered." I looked up at the painting again the boat was at the dock,

"The boat, was at the dock."

"What boat?" the officer asked.

"Boat what boat?" I asked.

"You just said something about a boat."

"Oh I'm sorry, no nothing, just lost in thought." I looked back again the figure was now out walking on the dock it wasn't me, no, it was a woman, no it couldn't be, there's no way.

I put my arm across my eyes.

"Are you ok" The officer asked?

"Yes I am fine, just please find her." I cried.

"We're doing everything we can sir" he added. I slowly dropped my arm from my eyes and there coming up the walk way behind the house was Melanie, her dead body covered in lily's from the lake, the rope still wrapped around one leg, dragging the cinderblocks behind her.

"It can't be, It's her", I screamed pointing at the painting.

"I killed her and now she coming for me, stop her, for god sakes stop her. She's dead, she was in the lake, I put her in the lake. She's dead"...

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