Chapter 1 - Before

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Life was simple. Get up, shower, check Mr. Handy (Which we named Washington), and go to work. Today I was off of work. I worked at the local nuclear energy plant. "Good morning, sir." Said Washington. "Where is the Misses?" "She is still sleeping. How about some coffee please, Washington?" I asked. I really loved this robot. He has his flaws, but I over look them. -ring ring ring-"I'll get the phone, sir." Washington said. "I got this Washington. Relax." I replied. It was a good thing that I answered the phone. It was the United States military. I've never liked war. But, the military needed soldiers. My wife and I have heard about the war against China, and how they can drop nukes and annihilate us completely. "Hello. Is this Mr. Watson?" The Drafter asked. "Yes, this is me." I instantly responded. My hands were sweating from nervousness. "This is the U.S. military. We are drafting you to join the American soldiers in China. There are only three hundred soldiers there, and we need more. The Chinese forces are to strong." He said in a strong voice. I could hear a communicator in the background. "I... Well um... OK. I'll do it." I said. My voice cracked in stress. "Good." He responded. He sounded like he was in a hurry. "There will be a military jeep come in two days. Pack your stuff, say your good byes, and if you have a dog think about taking him in the battlefield or leavening him at your residence." He said this in a hurried tone as well. I was first to hang up. The next thing I did was drink my coffee Washington made and I told him what's up. "You are really going to join the military, sir? It is most honorable to serve a U.S. soldier!" I really am going to miss his robotic British accent. It's only 10:07 A.M. I started packing right away. It was then I realized, why I should pack? There is nothing. I really don't want to face my wife, and tell her. Washington can, though. "WASHINGTON!" I yelled. "Yes, sir?" He responded. I told to do that. I really was starting to regret everything I ever did. All I could think about was the nuclear bomb threats China said. Then I thought of Vault-Tec. '1-888-4-828-588-32'. I recalled the number from a commercial. The next thing I did was dial the number. "Thank you for calling, Vault-Tec! There are zero callers ahead of you. Estimated wait time, zero hours. Stay on the line and a representative will be with you. Have a nice day!" Echoed out of the phone. Oh great. I thought. Then a representative, named Robinson, answered to the wait music. "Hello! What can Vault-Tec do for you?" He greeted me. I just just stand there. It feels like... I'm in a dark void. All I could think is, Wow. I'm actually doing this. Calling Vault-Tec, joining the military. "Hello? Are you their, sir?" Robinson asked. That pulled me out of my little trance. "Uh, yes I-I'm here." I responded. I could hear my wife screaming in the background. Washing ton must have told her. Just great. That helps the situation. A lot "Are you looking into getting into a Vault? There is a local one, 529. Are you interested? Do you have any questions?" Robinson said over the phone. All I could hear was screaming and Vault-Tec representative, Robinson. "Yes, I would like to reserve my family a spot in 529, please." I had asked. "Yes, sir! How many members of your family? Your are allowed to bring any Mr. Handy model you may have. Mr. Gutsy model as well. Only if military issue." He said. I responded, "Two adults, male and female. One Mr. Handy, and I'm joining the military, so I may have a Mr. Gutsy." "Okay sir, your spot is reserved. We will send a representative to you house right now to test you, and you will discover your SPECIAL talents. He will explain then. Have a nice day!" He said. I was really happy that call over. It was nothing personal with Robinson. It was total chaos. I considered suicide. I picked up a knife. Please don't kill yourself. Just don't please! Drop the knife. It'll hurt this way. Please don't. I came to my senses. I didn't remember anything past the moment I picked up the knife. I felt a burning, sharp pain. I felt my muscle all tense up, and clench around something inside my arm. When I looked down, I saw a puddle of Crimson liquid. Blood. I looked were the pain was and saw my hand, clenched around a knife. The knife was driven into my arm. Oh my god. " WASHINGTON, 9-1-1 SEQUENCE!" I screamed then blacked out. All I thought about was why I had done this. Stabbed myself. My final thoughts before didn't help me find the answer. Those thoughts. That was all I dreamed about before I woke up inside a hospital, or what I thought to be a hospital. I was just focusing on my surroundings when I heard a voice. "He's awake! Oh my god, oh my god..." The I heard a loud beeping sound. It was constant. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Wait. It doesn't take an idiot to know that means... I'm dying!? No it can't be. "We should just send his family to the vault. The other one, well, there is someone who can tell his family, of the loss?" I heard a voice say. I heard some other muffled voices as well. "S-s-someone" I called out. Man, how are my thoughts straight? What drugs do they have me on? Good lord. "I got this one. Please remove the other one. To the morgue." The same voice from earlier said. I saw what I to be a nurse, and a figure with Vault-Tec insignia. I was so confused. I was starting to get my vision back. "Mr. Watson?" The nurse asked me. I shook my head 'yes'. "Well, you are probably wondering the damage you have done to yourself." The nurse said. "Well?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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