The Concert-- And I (The Author) hate ID/Werepire/Elk/Zodiac Fanfics

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Disclaimer: (If you don't care, I don't blame you) I love making fun of all this rainbow filled junk that rules Wattpad. So I'm bringing in the big guns, fusing them into one horrible story, and hoping this will become GREATER THAN THEM. But to all you people thinking I like One Direction or other poorly written fanfics, I do not. And if that doesn't convince you, then don't hate on me... You know who you are.


It's getting late. I rush to the ticket counter.
"How many tickets are left?"
"All I got is one Backstage pass" replies the overtired voice behind the counter. "$270.99 if you want it."
I sigh, and look into my wallet, which only holds $270. I should really stop playing Candy Crush.
"Or, you can just say your with me" calls a voice behind me, and it could only be one person.
"Louis!" I cry "Didn't think I'd ever meet you"
He grins, giving me that oh-so-stunning look that makes the author think he's the Joker. That's right. The author thinks Louis Tomlinson's smile makes him look like the Joker.
"Well, I couldn't leave such a stunning girl out here in the cold." He says.
My heart is swelling. I'm at a loss of words. Is Louis... Flirting with me? No, no. I'm just a girl from Milwaukee who's $0.99 short of getting a backstage pass. He seriously can't be thinking of bringing me backstage with him.
"I-um, er..." I sigh.
"I know," he says. "I'm so famous and you think I like you just because I'm not leaving you outside. Get it all the time."
And like that, my heart deflates. Seems like he is a shallow jerk.
"But that's not the case here. C'mon." And he pulls me in behind him, and I'm in the building, holding Louis's hand. People are staring at us, and I hear them talking amongst themselves.
"Looks like someone got lucky tonight!"
"How much you willing to bet he's gonna knock her up and leave her here?"
I shiver, and wish I could vanish.
I hear him call back to me, "You ok back there?"
"Y-yeah" I respond. But I think my stutter gave away that I'm not.
He sighs, and pulls me around a corner, and into a room. "Well, we're here. Make yourself at home."
I practically collapse into his armchair, and take in the room. With my overly devoted fan girl knowledge on One Direction, I instantly know it is their backstage room. This freaks me out, only because I'm going to meet the other 3 members, who the author was too lazy to look up the names of. He has a reputation to keep, and if anyone sees "Who is in One Direction" in his search history, he'll never hear the end of it. ANYWAYS, with the all-powerful author being done ranting about his search history, I hear the door open, and I gasp. Coming through the door are all of One Direction. Louis is there, and he grins his joker grin, and says, "Guys, this is... Um... What's your name?" And the dreadful moment when the author needs to determine my name has finally come. What will it be? Will you, the reader, who obviously has something better to do, hate my name? Why is this so complicated? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? I sigh. After hours of standing there in silence, waiting for instructions of what to say or do, while the author has a nervous breakdown for about a week before finally figuring out my name, I finally choke out, "My name is Madison." And then I faint. Not eating for a week does that to you.

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