Chapter 6

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Ashton had been staying in the town's boarding house for the past few days after earning as much money as he could by gambling.

That damn woman had clouded his thoughts every second of the damn day. Every woman with black hair that would walk by him, he had to look twice to make sure it wasn't her. By that time he had made up his mind he would go back and visit her tomorrow.

Making his way to the stables to tend to his horse for the day, he heard the sound of a loud whinny and thundering hooves coming his way. Turning his head where the road heading out of town he saw him. A smile came to his face but quickly fell when he saw Cheveyo with no rider. His eyes widened with fear and panic began set in.

The stallion ran towards him, rearing on his hind legs as he stopped in front of him, tossing his head wildly. After calming him down the best he could, he then noticed the blood on his nose. And it didn't belong to the horse.

"Cheveyo, where is Aiyanna?" He asked the beast with a shaky voice, looking in the direction he'd just came from. The stallion gave him a snort.

Not having to think twice, he jumped on the stallion's back, and allowed the horse to make his way back, just hanging on for the ride. He just hoped whatever happened to her he would make it in time.

Passing her cabin, Cheveyo carried Ashton into the woods, taking the man to his master. The minute Ashton saw his woman laying on the ground next to Raven, he feared the worst. Her lifeless body was covered in her own blood.

"Aiyanna!!!" He yelled, jumping off the horse. He only then noticed the dead grizzly lying dead on the ground at her feet.

Cursing the dead bear, he knelt down beside her. Her leg wounds were deep and she was loosing so much blood, and her forehead had a deep gash. He needed to get her to the cabin and quickly. 

Her breathing was beginning to get more and more shallow as the seconds passed. Picking her up she groaned in pain, causing Raven to growl at him.

"Oh shut up, I'm just trying to help mutt!" Ashton growled back and Raven snorted at him. He did not have time to deal with the mutt and his protectiveness.

Getting her on the horse, he rode back towards her cabin, holding her tightly in his arms. The forest was dead silent. Not a bird chirped or critter stirred.

Kicking open the cabin door, he gently placed her face down on her bed. There was no way she would make it into town to see the doctor, so he'd have to do for now. Taking her knife out of its sheath, he cut off her shirt and pants trying not to admire her naked body. 

This was no time for that. Although, he couldn't help but notice the six inch long scar that traveled across her shoulder blades.

How on earth had she gotten that?

He noticed a few more small scars on her stomach and legs, all of them looked as if they were from the same type of weapon. A knife.

Did she get into a fight with someone?

A man?

After cleaning the blood from her wounds with warm water, he used some whiskey to try and prevent infection. When she groaned from the pain, it made him feel better she was some what awake and could feel the pain. He stitched up her leg the best he could and prayed for the best. 

She was lucky her back didn't need stitches from the bears claw marks, or she would have been bed ridden for a long time. The easiest part was over, now he'd have to worry about her catching a fever from an infection.

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