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I sat in my room on my bed, my mother was livid and I had been sitting here for twenty minutes. I needed to pack.

I stood up and walked to my dresser, pulling open the drawer with a painfully loud screech. I had been meaning to oil the hinges on it for a while. I guess I just never got around to it. I pulled out my two large suitcases from the bottom of my closet. I quickly folded my shirts and put them in the case. I grabbed as many of my pants as would fit and put them in the case. I walked over to my dresser and opened it. I grabbed my undergarments and balled them up shoving them in the front pocket of my suitcase. I grabbed my shoe box from under my bed. (a/n its like a large rolling storage bin but its long instead of tall) I put my favorite and most practical shoes in the remaining space in my first suitcase and sat on it to zip it up.

I checked my clock. I only had a half hour left. I walked over to my desk lugging the second case behind me. I had laid a small blanket in the bottom to protect my stuff. I sat my macbook in the bottom along with my Iphone 6s+. They were gifts from Calum, I couldn't leave them, though they were rarely used. I opened up the drawer to my desk and pulled out all of my art supplies. I sat them neatly in the case. I grabbed my chargers and sat them in there as well.

I tossed a teddy bear that my dad got me in there as well. I took my art off my walls and put it in there. I made my way back to my desk and opened my drawer that held my makeup. I put it all in a bag, then, put it in the case. I walked into my attached bathroom and gathered all my "feminine battle weaponry for the big red war" tossing it in the case as well.

I sat back on the bed trying to think of what else to grab. I still had to grab my backpack, but what else? I looked around my room and my jewelry tree caught my eye. I was not leaving any of it with my mother. She'd just sell it. I walked over and grabbed it. I dumped it carelessly in the case and sighed.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder along with my purse. I then bent down and shut the last suitcase. I stared in awe at how much I had managed to fit in the cases. My room was practically bare, minus of course my bed set and furniture. 

I walked downstairs with twelve minutes to spare. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my purse off the island and put the snacky type foods I had bought in it. I walked to the door and sudden realization hit me. Mizer (pronounced MYzher). I was not leaving my animals here. No way in hell. I called Boxy and she trotted to the door and sat patiently awaiting a walk. I slipped his leash on him and wrapped the hoop around the door handle. I walked into the laundry room and grabbed my cat carrier. I carefully grabbed Mizer and the one kitten we had decided to keep and carefully got them in the carrier. 

As I left with my stuff, I took one last look at the place I had called my home for the last nineteen years. I loaded my bags into the trunk after putting Boxy and her baby in the front seat. Mizer sat happily at my feet , his tail wagging rapidly as I shut the trunk. I bent down and took the sides of his head in my hands and scratched his ears.

"Go bye-bye?" I questioned my beautiful albino husky.

He barked in response and I led him to the backseat of the car. Which he happily bounded into. I got into the car and started the engine. My mother stood at the door. Tears in her eyes. I pulled out of the driveway and drove away towards Calums.

Hopefully, he would understand.

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