Meeting him

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Dedicated to all my readers


I walked cheerfully to school since it was close to my home and thought sadly about the events of last night. After my mom catching me and yelling at me, she made me take Jeremy home after giving him a huge dose of Amnemonia- a witches potion designed to wipe short term memories of vampires. But... Forget that I even mentioned it. It's top secret. Otherwise... Id have to kill you...

The walk to school had seemed weirdly long, like I was walking for miles without end. As if each step was futile. That, however, was not the strangest thing, the strangest thing was that today I was happier than usual, it was as if I was preparing for something...unexpected. Adrenaline pulsed through my veins making me even more impatient.

I walked happily up the steps and through the old concrete door that stood firm and strong right in the middle of the old brick walls which was coated in thick green ivy. To say the school was old would be an understatement, it had been here since the Original Huntership- the Original Huntership was basically what all the hunters in the olden days called their organisation, we still used the term though.

I passed the buzzing crowds of teenagers who bunched up around lockers, giggling about silly things- girls- and showing muscles and bragging- boys. Hunters High was no different from any other school and still had the basic social groups. Jocks, flirts, nerds, bad boys and girls, cool kids, mysterious kids, weirdos, know it alls and class clowns. I fell more in the nerdy cool kid sort of group, along with my brother, Jasmine, Lucy and Nathan, but they did not hang out with me just because they were smart and cool, they were hunters as well- at least most of them.

My brother stood with Jasmine and the rest of our friends. Dylan-my brother- was a dark brunette with piercing blue eyes and tanned beach sand coloured skin and was year younger than us all so it was really weird when he and Jasmine had started dating last year.

" Hey Kat, I tried to wake you, but you were sleeping like you were in a coma," he said, his arm around Jasmine's shoulder which reached his chest. He was quite tall for his age and she was smaller for her age.

" Is it my fault that you were up all night on the phone chatting to Jasmine. It's like you two need each other to live," I said packing my locker which was right next to Lucy's. Jasmine and Dylan were exceptionally loud when speaking om the phone.

Lucy walked over to us with Nathan. They were dating as well, making me the odd one out in our group. Sometimes I just wished I had someone special to me, and other times not.

" Hey Katerina. You ready for today's maths test?" She asked.

I smiled.

" Aren’t I always ready?"

She simply laughed and shrugged.

I packed in the last of my textbooks and headed down the hallway to the cafeteria to prepare the receptionist's coffee. I had always made her coffee because she was always so busy and couldn't even make her own.

Just as I reached the next set of lockers, I froze. My spine tingled the way it always did around unfamiliar vampires, and the scent of vampire invaded my nose, but this time ... There was something strange about it. It was... Pleasant? I slowly turned to one of the lockers, and there he was, standing against his locker, his perfect presence stunned me. He seemed to be observing me carefully. His playful smirk fixed in its perfect position. Slowly he walked up to me in one smoothe motion. I was absolutely stunned, the only thing I could do was glare...But all I wanted to do was swoon.

His face was absolutely... wait for it...perfect. He had blonde hair, that was shaved shortly on one side of his head and left long and flowing like a long side fringe on the other. His hazel mischievous eyes looked at me curiously, as if he were deciding what to do.

I cleared my throat and swallowed.

"You must be a new vampire in town," I said.

He smiled.

" Yes, hunter?" He said with a smooth, husky voice and a raised eyebrow, "what might your name be?"

I hesitated before answering.

" Katerina Drackon," I said. Second time this week... Second time!

His eyes were wide open.

"You mean to say that you are the daughter of Ashania and Leroy Drackon, one of the ten leaders of the Huntership?" He asked.

I nodded my head slowly. I though EVERYONE knew that. This vampire must have been living under a rock or something.

" That's weird, I didn't think they had a child, and such a beautiful one at that" he said smiling and looking me up and down... His eyes assaulting me.

His comment did flatter me in a way, but I was more focused on his creeping eyes as the hungrily roamed me up and down, devouring every inch of me. Creepy, check.

" Well they did and they are training me to become a Leader or an Elder," I said still creeped out yet intrigued by the mysterious stranger. But there was something that just made me want to talk to him more. Call it... Curiosity.

" An Elder, wow. Don't the elders rule the huntership, and aren't they really old," he asked.

I had to control the laugh that was bubbling up inside my throat.

" Yes, they rule the Huntership, but they aren't old. The oldest Elder is thirty five," I said.

He smiled.

" Well are you going to ask what my name is?" He asked.

I couldn't help but smirk. I was now comfortable with him for some odd reason.

" What is your name?"

His smile grew even larger. Very creepy, check.

" My name is Haydon Veneziano," he spoke confidently and his smirk twisted into an evil smile and his eyes grew dark. Totally demolishing the previous, humorous teenager.

I froze. He was the Haydon Veneziano, the vampire whose mafia, vampire family was constantly coming over to my house to discuss their motives to killing innocent lives. The vampire who killed hundreds upon thousands of innocent lives. The crazy, power hungry teenage vampire who swore to rule the vampire world himself. The vampire who, because of his short temper, killed a whole town of people, vampires and hunters. It couldn't be... the vampire who stood before me, this very beautiful vampire could not possibly be that disgusting monster. Then again, appearances were deceiving.
I looked at him again, his curious eyes were studying me, trying to decipher my reaction. And so, I took in a deep breathe and put on my best fake smirk, adamant that I would not look pathetic and scared of this creature.

" Well Mr Veneziano, I hope you control your temper in this town, we won't hesitate to kill you... I won't hesitate to kill you." I said quickly and turned away from him and rushed toward the cafeteria.
The scariest thing was that I wasn't afraid of Haydon Veneziano, I was now terrified

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