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Depression is something like this...
imagine that you're being in a... White or colorful box all happy and I'll positive but slowly you go into broad and I not colorful room.
You push people away you even push yourself away. Then it comes to a point where everything is pitch black not a single light shown you overcome the obstacles blindly sometimes on your own sometimes with others to guid you.

You finally reach the escape. And you did escape. But it takes a lot of time but it's worth it.

And then-you go back into it. But this time you know it. Everyone in a while you go into that same box and there it is

All black writing yet it stands out

"Welcome back" but you know you will get out times but just remember something;

Depression happens and slowly. You will slowly get into it and slowly get out but you have to keep your head up during the whole journey. You will overcome this and just know...there are people who care and you are just pushing them away.


I am here for any of you I truly am.

Even if I'm fighting my own battle,I'll join wars for others.

Bye bye my wounded birds.

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