Untitled Part 360

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Same person who made the last part.AGAIN I AM SORRY

Goku was once a happy man, with a happy husband, and a happy spoon. Goku's husband Brad Pitt went up to Goku one day and said, "I did it with Vegeta..." Goku then cried and flew away with his nimbus. Goku found a new husband named Dora. Dora was in love with Goku and wouldn't want to let him go. Then one day Dora and goku went to go play paintball and Goku got a 360 NOSCOPE MLG THE PLAYZZZZ. and then Dora felt so hurt that she stabbed Goku. Goku then went Super Saiyan God and ate Dora's companion, boots. Dora then turned into the Hulk and punched Goku in the crotch. Goku fell over and cried. Then Master Chief went up to the fallen and crying Goku. He then T-Bagged him to death... The End

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