She Bares the Scars

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*beep beep beep beep beep*

"aww crap....."

i slip and hit arm on the desk


I turn off alarm.

"is it just me or are these clocks getting evil...."

*I yawn and look at the time*

Man I better hurry if I wanna help get extra school credits.....but damn dude, I'm so fricken tired...... It's all for her. I still have to remember that?.... "I wish that bitch of a woman would leave her alone, she's an angel not a prisoner....."

I brush my hair and change clothes then quietly run out the door with my banged up skateboard that Casey gave me before she left. I miss her so much, we knew each other since the beginning of our lives almost. It's always been us against the world....

I sigh looking at the time.

I hope Skip won't be an ass again today and bring over his friends and get drunk, then I'll have to shovel them out and help my brother go to sleep.......

I see David walking alone with his head hung low.

"Hey David!!!!"

I get jump off and grab my board from the ground and run up beside him.

"What's up? Hey where's Shawney? And Yawna? And..... David?"

I move his head towards me and look at his swollen cheek and blood dried lips.

"David.....was this from Kyle?"

(Kyle is David's stepdad who recently got "sober" but instead of cocain he uses alcohol regularly.... Not much of an improvement...)

He looks at me and his eyes were red from crying and he looked as if he was going to start crying again.

I stopped and just looked at him in both anger and sympathy.

"I tried to leave this morning without giving him the whiskey cabinet key again...."

He slowly starts to cry so I quickly try to comfort him, I've always been a sister to him, so I try to keep myself together to be a good example. But I hugged him as tight as I could while letting him breath.

"I swear that sorry excuse of a human will pay for making a mark on a beautiful soul, David."

He cries on my shoulder and I hold him tighter.

"Rockey.... Why do you keep on making others happy while you sit here with your own problems?"

"Because I can't sit here knowing I can help others...."

He chuckles.

"Oh wow, how cheesy....."

"oh yeah think you can do better?"

"by a landslide...."

He smiles and wipes his face.

"Alright, now let's hurry or we'll never hear the end of it from the Troll...."

we both start running towards the prison to all known species of man

About 3 classes later....


"Oh goodie me, I get to be hell mates with you today Mallory."

I make a smirk of sarcasm.

"oh ha ha ha....very funny coming from you Rockey." says Vanesa with her duck lips practically dripping with lip gloss.

"Oh lord....Vanesa your lips are melting!!!! Oh wait that's just lip gloss melting from all the hot air coming from that mouth of yours..."

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