The Bora Bora Disaster

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I could hear Jacob through the wall between our rooms. My mom must have told him about the trip to Bora Bora we are planning to take over Christmas break. Only one week away until I have to spend what would be the best vacation, with my awful little brother. I flopped myself on my bed and pulled out my blackberry to text my best friend, Amelia. I could still hear Jacob talking to himself through the wall. All I could imagine of this trip was that he would do something to ruin it for me. “Mika! Jacob! Dinner!” Our mother called.  Our big home in California had five bedrooms and four bathrooms. I walked down the hall, passing my brothers room on the right, and my parents’ room on the left. I walked down the metal stairs at the end of the hall. There was a hole in the floor that the stairs went down, winding around a pole in a circle. Downstairs to the left was the dining room where we rarely ate and to the right was the living room. As I went the other direction towards the kitchen I could smell the pizza my mom had just pulled out of the oven. My mother loved to make homemade pizza. We sat at the tall counter on bar stools and ate our dinner. Arthur and Mabel, our parents, discussed the trip and explained how long we would be staying. The day had finally come. We all had to get up at five in the morning to catch our flight at the airport. As we drove to the airport it was still dark outside and could only see the road from the street lights. As we approached the airport, my stomach was getting queasy. Not like I was going to be sick but because I was so excited. We emptied our duffel bags from the trunk and hauled them into the airport and through security. Three hours later we were allowed to board the plane. The seats were in rows of two so I had to sit with Jacob but took the window seat. I took a nap for most of the flight but for the first hour I finished the book assigned for English class. We finally arrived at the airport in Bora Bora. We got off the plane, retrieved our bags and went to our rented hut on the beach. The hut on the beach was beautiful. There was a sand walkway to the small set of stairs that led up to the beach hut. The roof was covered in dry grass and looked just like all the pictures I had seen before. As we entered I saw that the hut had its own small kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. Jacob and I had to share a room and our parents shared one room. The first thing I did when I got everything unpacked was I changed into my new bikini and slipped on a pair of flip flops. I hopped down the stairs, threw my flip flops off and excitedly ran into the stunningly blue ocean. The water was surprisingly warm and I felt relaxed as I floated on top of the water.  When I heard my brother screaming at the top of his lungs I turned to see what he was doing and saw him running from the beach straight toward the water I was swimming in. He waded in the water about three feet and then belly flopped into deeper waters, splashing me while doing so. With that I quickly swam back to the beach and ran up the stairs. I wrapped myself in a towel and locked myself in me and my bothers shared room. I rummaged through my bag and found my book I was reading outside of school. I jumped onto the queen sized bed and began to read. I was about 40 pages into the book when I heard Jacob open the door to the hut and yell out to my mother and father that he had found a big shell. I just sighed and continued reading. The next thing I heard from outside my door was a shriek coming from my mother. I threw the book on the floor and hurried out to see what the matter was. The shell hadn’t just been a shell. It was a shell which had been home to a crab. I saw a crab running around the kitchen area and screamed myself. I wasn’t expecting to have the vacation go wrong so quickly.

My father clearly had no fear of the crab so he grabbed a cup off of the shelf and cornered the crab, capturing it in the cup and setting it outside. Me and Jacob went back into our room and I tried not to think about what he had done. I was positive that mom had been a little aggravated about it and I knew I was too. 

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