Chapter 2: Liar Liar

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Chapter 2:

I looked around the white room. It was pretty basic, though

the desk in front of me was slightly messy-which was making my nerves get to me

even more. I guess I should've taken at least one of my pills today. Oh well.

The door opened and in walked my psychiatrist. "Good morning Alice. You're on time today, that's great!" said Dr. Harrison, my psychiatrist. I couldn't help but glare at him, "Why are we in a different room?" he took his seat and let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry Alice; they moved my office to a different room. I

apologize for the change, but I'm not fond of it either."

"Well you know I'm not fond of change. You could have let me

known it was in a different hallway of this building too. You know I can't stand change," I spat at him. He opened up my folder and looked at me, his glasses on sitting on the edge of his nose. "I am sorry, Ms. Crimson," he said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Anyways, let's get onto your health. You gained a couple of pounds, congratulations. You are about the same height.. Let's see..." He said, looking through the folder. "Ah-ha, here we go. How have you been


I decided to answer this part honestly, "Not very well, I only

get an hour or two of sleep each night-that is-if I get any sleep at all." He

scribbled something onto a sheet of paper. "How has your mood been? Do you feel stable? Have you had any hallucinations, either hearing or vision wise?" I nodded my head yes. He scribbled onto the paper again, and then flipped it over.

"And your anger, has it been mild, extreme, or not at all?"

"It's been extremely horrible, doctor. I always snap at people. It makes me feel very low at the end of my mood swing..."

He scribbled again. "Your anxiety?" he looked down at my legs,

which I hadn't realized I was shaking subconsciously. "Still here," I replied

honestly. He wrote something else and got another sheet from the folder. "And finally, about your antidepressants; we are at the highest possible dosage for that. Would you like to try something else or stay the same?"

"I need to be happy doc. So I'm willing to do whatever it

takes. I'll take whichever is stronger."

"Are you sure, Alice?" he asked, looking up to look at me.

"I'm positive, doctor." With that, he wrote one final thing

and looked at me. "I'm sorry to say this, Alice, but we have to up just about everything."

I put on a slightly upset face and nodded. "And I will go

ahead and fax your prescription to the pharmacy and it should be ready by tomorrow. I will see you in eight weeks, and I wish you a great day, Alice, nice to see you again." I stood up and nodded goodbye and left.

As I walked out of the hallway, into the lobby, and out of the building, I smirked to myself. Now that I don't need to take my meds and everything's upped... Why don't I... Sell these? My smile grew

from ear to ear. Easy money...


A/N: I just wanted to say

that lying to a doctor isn't good-even if it gives you more drugs. I don't

condone this, I just wrote it...

Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to a close friend of mine who passed away yesterday. We'll miss you buddy. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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