Note | this is not the most well thought out book in the world, nor do i plan to waste any of my time editing it. please do the both of us a favor and refrain from telling me how you think certain elements are irrational because i am not asking for your critique and i really can't be bothered with all the negativity in the comments.
DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T READ IT. simple as that.xx tay
s c e n e s i x :
k a l v e r l i e f d e
kalverliefde (n.) • the temporary affection and infatuation usually experienced by two young people in love
Peyton Evers must've been quite perceptive, if the fact that he went inside to grab umbrellas or how he seemed quite confident after I told him I would think about it ― us ― were any indications.
I would have been giving it more thought, but I was practicing what he preached which was safe driving.
I had noticed that he mainly played safe with a lot of things and only did otherwise after careful calculation and consideration. Like how he carefully avoided junk food except for that one day where that girl had passed out on the school lawn. He had a careful and low-fat diet sketched out so that he could maintain his health for soccer as well as a rigorous training schedule so that his body was in top notch shape.
He also was safe in a sexual sense ― which was up for debate ― being a virgin. It came with some nagging from his friends as well as confusion from the school population who was witness to his flirtatious ways.
I had found all of this out because our ride to the hospital suddenly became a tell-all session. I guess this was his way of trying to make himself look good so he can get that answer as soon as possible before I dropped him off and we wouldn't see each other for the night. Thankfully, there were no deal breakers yet, but I was more concerned with driving. It sure as hell was enough to distract me from the kiss we had shared in front of the Auto Body shop.
I wouldn't describe as scintillating, like a light show or a fireworks display in my mind. It was, however, fierce and fiery, something I wasn't used to. Jake was a gentle lover and would never put his hands on me roughly when he kissed me. Most people didn't like that and saw assertive behaviors as abusive, but when he did that I had reciprocated it equally, as a knowing and consenting party. Besides, he hadn't hit me or anything, he was just hands-on.
When it came for me to realize that I had, yet again, began to think about the kiss again and lost my train of safe thought, mentally cursed myself.
"So, Karis," he said smoothly, "since I bared my soul to you already, how about you at least tell me something about yourself." When I spared myself a glance at him, I could see him eyeing my phone with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Besides the fact that you dated Jake Barber."
After sharing a kiss like that, I had presumed any mentions of my ex would be more venomous when coming from his mouth. But then again, Jake was a nice guy and it was hard to think ill upon him ― unless you had a bad breakup with him like I did. But I had been over our relationship for a while now, and if thinking back to things didn't make me smile, then I was completely indifferent to them.
Not that Peyton had dated Jake ― that would be hard to imagine ― but I guess as friends of sorts, they would've had some sort of amicable relationship.

Test Drives ✓
Short StoryKaris accidentally runs into turned-cold soccer captain, Peyton's motorcycle in the middle of a storm, causing him a nasty scrape and a broken bike, both in need of repairs. Thus she sets off to fix them both, causing for things to go awry in their...