~**~**Chapter 3~**~**

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~**~**Chapter 3~**~**

This is dedicated to the amazing fan who comments on my story even when I don’t feel like I deserve it! You know who you are, thanks again! Your kind words speeds up my fingers err…so to speak!

Arabelle came to work prepared the next morning with a renewed attitude and very well prepared-with two spare tops and a skirt tucked in her shoulder bag. The fact that the security guard checked her bag day in and day out didn’t bother her any more. She’d actually become friends with him and she was happy since making friends was hard on her. People didn’t see her; they thought she was shy and weird, so this man’s friendship meant the world to her.

She was also the most talked about in the entire office. The women begrudged her because she got to work with the richest and mouthwatering bachelor they’d ever seen; and the men felt sorry for her because they knew how cruel their boss could be when it came to women. As for Arabelle, she had more pressing matters like THE rules. There was no female restroom on the seventh floor due to the fact that only men worked there.

“I’ll have to do something! I can’t just assent to defeat!” she silently mused with a grin because the opportunity to rebuke her boss had just presented itself. With that in mind, she strolled in the direction of the bathroom without paying attention to anything around her and bumped into a very manly chest. Words of apologies sputtered out of her mouth before she looked up and saw who it was. Dahveed was heatedly glaring at her, undoubtedly blaming her for the collision.

“What in the world are you doing in here?” Arabelle gave him a devious look. Wasn’t it obvious?

“Err…I was…uh... going to use the restroom, sir.”

“This,” he pointed a finger to the door, “is a men only restroom!”

“Yes, but there is only one restroom on this floor.” She elaborated

“I know that! Which is why you’ll never set your foot in there ever again!” he was growling by the end of the sentence.

“Then where shall I go sir?” Dahveed raised his eyebrows. “I mean where is the female restroom?” Arabelle’s face was the epitome of innocence as if discussing the restroom with her mean ole hateful evil boss was a daily occurrence in her life.

“You want me to have one installed for a girl who hasn’t even been working here for a week?” he demanded. “NEVER!” he answered his own question.

“Okay, so can I use the bathroom on the ground floor?” she asked already knowing the answer.

“Haven’t you read the rules’ book?” she was going to keep eye contact no matter how much he scared her. “The employees of our floor can neither utilize the restroom nor the rec room of different floors. And rules are rules. Nobody breaks these rules.” He was baiting her and they both knew it.

“In that case, I’ll have to use this one.” She pointed and made a show of entering the restroom.

“Wait!” she turned and gazed at him expectedly. “For the time being, you can use the one on the ground floor.” He conceded and Arabelle fanned surprise.

“But you just that it’s against the rules and that nobody defies the rules of this office.” Dahveed stood straight and raised his head after hearing the challenge in her voice.

“YES, nobody does…except the boss.” He said smugly and she grinned.

“Thank you so much, sir! I’m so glad that you’re the boss and that you’re willing to alter the rules for a female employee such as Me.” she said eyes shining with victory and went back to her office.

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